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发布时间:2023-08-06 10:54:46

‘壹’ 注意研究有哪些方法拜托各位大神

注意实验的研究方法有很多种,主要的有 提示范式、搜索范式、过滤范数码漏式、双任务范式以及电生理学的研究方法。提示范式(Cuing Paradigms)的基本原理是:用刺激或指导语来引导被试注意一个明确的输入源,然后把对这一输入源的加工和对其他输入源的加工作比较。搜索范式的基本原理是:要求被试寻找一个或多个混杂在非目标刺激中的目标刺激,实验时这些刺激可以同时呈现,也可以相继呈现。过滤范式(Filtering Paradigms)的基本原理是:使被试的注意指向一个信息源,而实验者评估的则是那些未被注意的信息的加工过程,以此模扮来研究注意的某些特征。过滤范式下有不同的变形:整体-局部范式,双侧范式和负启动范式。双任务范式则关心注意是如何在多个并行任务间起到指向和调节作用的。注意的电生理学研究方法主要有脑电图技术和事件相关电位技术。由于脑电图技术只是在完全清醒条件下对人的注意进行生理分析,而未真正涉及注意的本质,所以薯烂现在注意的电生理研究更多使用事件相关电位技术。

‘贰’ 电生理技术的测量技术

电生理测量技术包括生物电测量技术和生物体电特性测量技术等方面。 生物电测量技术用电极将微弱的生物电引出,经生物电放大器将它放大,再经示波器等显示其波形并记录下来,以便观察、分析和保存。
④遥测技术:记录自由活动、剧烈运动或在遥远的空间的人或实验动物的生物电的方法。通常是将讯号放大、调制后用无线电波发射。在记录处接收无线电波后,经放大、解调,恢复为原来的生物电再予显示和记录。遥测的距离从几米到几千千米以上(如从宇宙飞船到地面)。生物电遥测系统是多种多样的,有的要求体积小、重量轻、便于携带,有的要求能越过很大的距离,有的要求能遥测多路讯号等。 信号分析:把生理信号分解成组成它的各有关成分。用得较多的是富里哀分析,可把信号分解成它的基波和各次谐波的组合;又如把记录到的多个运动单位的复合动作电位分解成各运动单位的动作电位。
信号的判别:从记录到的生理讯号来判断生物体属于什么状态。如从心电向量图的分析来诊断心脏疾患。 通过对从体表许多电极记录到的波形的分析,推测出体内生物电讯号源的位置及其随时间变化的情况。如从人体表面的100路心电记录来推算出心脏电偶极子、电多极子的位置及其运动的轨迹。

‘叁’ 记录神经元活性的电生理方法-1: 神经元放电特性及电生理平台组成

《Guide to Research Techniques in Neuroscience》
《The Axon Guide: A guide to Electrophysiology and Biophysics Laboratory Techniques》


膜片钳技术|电生理学|电生理学工具-Molecular Devices官网
膜片钳电生理技术 - JoVE



根据需求,不同的电生理记录方法可以宽森迹分别用于记录 体内 体外 的神经元细胞的电特性 ( the electrical properties )。(后面将哪种情况下用哪种合适)。

研究神经元的电生理活动,就研究 不同刺激下 神经元的放电性质(频率,强弱,时长等),所以我们必须先了解神经元的电特性。



The Patch-Clamp Rig

我们先从源头开始讲,那当然是微电极 Microelectrode, ME

These metal electrodes not only provide more stable isolation of single units than micropipettes, but they tend to sample from a larger morphological variety of cells and also help in better localization of electrode tracks to identify where recordings took place in whole brains.

Smaller tips have higher resistances, and they restrict the area from which potentials can be recorded, thus permitting the isolation of the activity of either a fiber or a cell. Large tips and low resistances pick up the activity from a number of neurons and are of limited use in efforts to identify the functional properties of single cells.

Tips with very high resistances are also of little use, as they cannot record neural activity unless they are very close to the cell membrane or actually inside a cell.

The headstage is the central hub that connects the electronic equipment to the tissue preparation. It contains an electrode holder that stabilizes the microelectrode ring recordings and also directly connects the microelectrode to the first stage of amplifier electronics needed to detect the electrical signals. The headstage passes the signal to the main amplifier for the main signal processing. The headstage is carefully positioned by the micromanipulator and is also attached to the microdrive.

Accurately placing a patch electrode onto a 10-20 μm cell requires an optical system that can magnify up to 300- or 400- fold with contrast enhancement (e.g. Nomarski/DIC ( 微分干涉相差显微镜 ), Phase, or Hoffman) and a micromanipulator that stably positions the electrode in 3D space. An inverted microscope(倒置显微镜) is preferable because it allows easier access for electrodes from above the preparation and also provides a larger, more solid platform to bolt the micromanipulator. (更好地为微电极腾出操作的空间) A micromanipulator has the ability to move the electrode in very minute distances along the X, Y, and Z axes. The micromanipulator can then hold that position indefinitely.

A microdrive is used to lower or raise the microelectrode to a specific depth in tissue in very fine steps. It is usually preferable to use remote-controlled microdrive systems to eliminate hand vibration. Thus, the headstage (and consequently the electrode) can be set into place by hand using the micromanipulator and then finely adjusted in and out of tissue using a microdrive for the final approach to the cell.

An instrument that contains the circuitry required to measure electrical currents passing through ion channels or changes in cell membrane potential. The amplifier contains the circuitry necessary to measure current passing through the cell membrane both in magnitude and direction. The amplifier can also measure the cell membrane potential in response to the movement of current.

To initiate current movement, the experimenter can deliver a voltage command (钳制电压) to the cell, and the cell will respond by passing the current necessary to maintain that voltage command. (电压钳,用于测过膜电流。) Conversely, the experimenter may also inject current and then measure the change in membrane potential resulting from that change in current. (电流钳,注入衡定电流测膜电位变化,模拟生理状态下离子流动触发动作电位)

*The current acquired by the amplifier is an analog signal, but in order to perform data analysis needed for high resolution patch-clamp measurements, the analog signal must be converted into a digital one. *

然后既然提到了 带宽 和 采样频率 ,就来说说为什么这两者会影响采样的质量。首先要弄清楚一点, 带宽 是也是表示频率,单位是 Hz,带宽代表的是 数据本身的频率 ,而 采样频率 指的是 从数据中抽样的频率 。如下图,左边是 原始数据的频率 ,右边是 采样数据的频率 。很明显可以看出,采样频率越高,数据还原度越高。

然而,带宽只是代表,而并不等于 数据本身的频率 ,因为模拟信号存在着衰减的情况。先来看看从microelectrode 到 Digitizer 的结构。


The analog input path attenuates, amplifies, filters, and/or couples the signal to optimize it in preparation for digitization by the ADC. The ADC samples the conditioned waveform and converts the analog input signal to digital values that represent the analog input waveform. The frequency response of the input path causes an inherent loss of amplitude and phase information.

It is defined as the frequency at which a sinusoidal input signal is attenuated to 70.7 percent of its original amplitude, which is also known as the -3 dB point. It is defined as the frequency at which a sinusoidal input signal is attenuated to 70.7 percent of its original amplitude, which is also known as the -3 dB point.

Bandwidth describes the analog front end’s ability to get a signal from the outside world to the ADC (analog-to-digital converter) with minimal amplitude loss—from the tip of the probe or test fixture to the input of the ADC. In other words, the bandwidth describes the range of frequencies an oscilloscope can accurately measure.


Oscilloscope & Loudspeaker System & Computer & Software

An oscilloscope receives the electrical signal from the amplifier and displays the membrane voltage over time. This is the major source of data output in electrophysiology experiments. They can also be heard by connecting the output of the amplifier to a loudspeaker. Action potentials make a distinctive popping sound, so recording the activity of an active neuron can sound like popcorn popping. Loudspeakers can be helpful when trying to locate a neuron of interest, because different types of neurons have distinctive firing patterns.

Computers have greatly aided electrophysiological studies by automating stimulus delivery and electrical signal recording. Computers can easily manipulate many parameters ring recordings, such as the recording thresholds and stimulus delivery timing. Computers also allow simple real-time data analysis, displaying the results of an experiment, even while the experiment is occurring.

1. 主要的电生理技术
2. 神经元电特性
3. 电生理实验的设备

1. 什么是电流钳?什么是电压钳?
2. 实现的电路原理 (现在只是简单介绍了一些信号采集的过程)
3. 信号处理 (最原始数据是怎么变成我们拿到手的数据的,这部分我可能能力不足先跳过)
4. 胞外记录,胞内记录,膜片钳的应用
5. 文章中的电生理图怎么看?figure (其实就是拿到手的 data 怎么加工变成文章展示出来的 data)
6. 其他拓展应用,如果结合光遗传



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