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发布时间:2024-07-01 21:16:25

1. 濡备綍寤虹珛涓涓锲藉跺崼鐢熷煄甯傜殑鑻辫浣沧枃80-100鍗曡瘝

Many people like to keep a kind of annimal as a pet ,such as dogs,cats,birds,and so on .They put so great enthusiasm on them that some pets are treated like their family members. A good relationship between people and pets can be very comfortable.They are loyal audiences of you ,while you have something can't tell any one else.They occuppy the loneliness ,cure your pains,make anxious hearts return to peace and innocence ,some pets even can help to cure some mental disease.that's the advantages of keeping an pet. However ,pets are often expensive,to feed them would even cost more .Too much money spend on pets are more or less a little improper while there are so many starving people in this nation. Some dangerous pets are a menace to their owners ,even a dog attack people sometimes,things could be worse if they carrying some fatal virus.That's the disadvantages of keeping a pet.
璁稿氢汉锽沧㈡牱涓绉嶅姩鐗╀綔涓哄畴鐗╋纴濡傜嫍锛岀尗锛岄笩锛岀瓑绛夈备粬浠鎶婃瀬澶х殑鐑𨱍咃纴浣夸粬浠镄勪竴浜涘畴鐗╀竴镙峰瑰緟浠栦滑镄勫跺涵鎴愬憳銆 涓涓镩濂界殑鍏崇郴锛屼汉涓庡畴鐗╁彲浠ラ潪甯歌垝阃.浠栦滑蹇犱簬瑙备䌷镄勪綘锛岃屼綘链変笉鑳藉憡璇夊叾浠栦换浣曚汉.浠栦滑甯镐细链夌殑瀛ょ嫭镒燂纴娌绘剤浣犵殑鐤肩棝锛岃╂复链涚殑蹇冩仮澶嶅拰骞充笌镞犵姜鎺ㄥ畾锛屼竴浜涘畴鐗╃敋镊冲彲浠ュ府锷╂不鐤椾竴浜涘绩鐞嗙柧䦅.杩欐槸镄勯ゲ鍏诲姩鐗╃殑浼桦娍銆 铹惰岋纴瀹犵墿寰寰鏄鏄傝吹镄勶纴鍏绘椿浠栦滑鐢氲呖浼氲姳璐规洿澶氥傚お澶氱殑璧勯噾鑺卞湪瀹犵墿鎴栧氭垨灏戞湁镣逛笉褰掳纴钥屾湁杩欎箞澶氶ゥ姘戝湪杩欎釜锲藉躲 涓浜涘嵄闄╃殑瀹犵墿鏄涓涓濞佽儊锛屼粬浠镄勬墍链夎咃纴鐢氲呖涓鍙镫楁湁镞朵细鏀诲嚮浜猴纴浜嬫儏鍙鑳芥洿绯燂纴濡傛灉浠栦滑鎼哄甫.杩欐槸涓浜涜嚧锻界殑缂虹偣淇濇寔瀹犵墿銆 锛

2. 急需两篇英语作文,150字,关于肥胖症和看病贵,非常感谢

Nowadays obesity has been a very common problem among people, especially among people in the cities. And the diseases caused by obesity have also beleaguered people for a long time. So, how to fight against obesity?
To fight against obesity, many procts or machines about loosing weight have been introced. However, as far as I am concerned, most procts or machines about losing weight would bring some side effects to our body. Therefore, to lose weight, the most important point is to find out the main reason for obesity and take action to lose weight step by step on the basic of complying with out body’s needs.
There are several reasons may account for my view on obesity. First, overeating but lacking of doing exercises is a common reason. In particularly, ingesting too much sugar and fat everyday are more easily lead to obesity. Therefore, to lose weight we need to control ourselves from eating too much, especially eating sugar and fat. Besides, we need to take some exercises appropriately. Second, another reason is irregular work and rest. In modern society, sleep too much or work for too long is quite universal. And this irregular work and rest has a great impact for our health and one effect of it may be obesity. Thus, to have a healthy body, we need a regular work and rest. Finally, disease can also account for obesity.
To sum up, there are various factors accounting for obesity and we need to find out the main one and take action to fight against it. And by the way, we should have awareness of that to fight against obesity needs a lot of time, patience and perseverance.



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