导航:首页 > 方法技巧 > 方法中有新建对象如何mock


发布时间:2023-06-10 18:24:09

A. 怎么mockito方法的内部对象


Code in which new objects are created can be difficult to test. There are a number of patterns for doing this; two of them are discussed here. Both of these patterns may require rearranging your code a little, to make it more testable. Writing code that's easily testable is a good thing to be doing, regardless of which mocking framework you end up using.

Pattern 1 involves factoring uses of new into one-line methods, then using a Mockito spy. This is the simpler of the two patterns. Pattern 2 involves factoring uses of new into a separate class and injecting it. It's a little more work, but it can be more powerful. The new calls that you want to factor out (using either pattern) are those where an object is created, that you are likely to want to mock. It is recommended that you use one or other of these patterns, whenever you find yourself writing new, on a class that's in your code base (as opposed to a JDK class or a class from a third party library).

B. 使用Powermock对私有方法进行mock

 团誉宏 在public方法中往往会调用一些private方法,如果private方法很复杂,我们就需要处理很多方法的mock。如果这时只想要测试public方法,并不想关注private方法的逻辑,那么就需要虚历对private方法进行mock。下面我们简单介绍下如何通过Powermock来对私有方法进行mock。




  2、 使用下面方式来模拟私有方法:




C. 如何mock静态方法

import org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito;
import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest;
import org.powermock.moles.testng.PowerMockTestCase;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class AbstractAnimalTest extends PowerMockTestCase {



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