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I. Purpose:
Observation of Acupuncture Treatment of Cerebral Infarction transferred to pass the Governor's convalescent clinical efficacy, as well as traditional Chinese medicine symptom score, Barthel index of activities of daily living score, etc. effect.
2, method:
In this study with reference SATCM acute encephalopathy group drafting a research collaboration with the "efficacy of stroke diagnosis and evaluation standards" and the Fourth National Cerebrovascular Disease developed by the Conference of the "elements of various types of cerebral vascular disease diagnosis," Diagnosis of cerebral infarction criteria, a total recovery in 40 cases of cerebral infarction patients randomized single-blind method, 20 patients were divided into treatment group (ie, acupuncture transferred to pass the Governor's Law), the control group 20 cases (ie, routine acupuncture method). Clinical efficacy were observed before and after treatment, Chinese medicine symptom score, Barthel index of activities of daily living score changes, and compare, and then use SPASS12.0 statistical software for analysis.
3 Results:
The treatment group in recing the neurological deficit scores, rece symptoms of points before and after treatment changes in traditional Chinese medicine to improve ADL and clinical efficacy than the control group.
4 Conclusion:
Acupuncture Treatment of Cerebral Infarction transferred to pass the Governor's scientific and feasibility of recovery, it is worth further study and clinical application.
Key words acupuncture; transferred to pass the Governor's method; infarction recovery
㈡ 中医营养师的证可以享受 积分入上海户口的政策吗
㈢ 辩证分析与症候分型的区别是什么
编辑本段基本信息 【词语】:辩证 【注音】:biàn zhèng 【释义】: ①辨析考证:反复~。 ②合乎辩证法的:~关系ㄧ~的统一。 ③辨别病证,中医诊断病情的基本方法。 【形容词】:形容看问题的眼光全面 【例如】:对于放弃这个词 我们应该辨证的...
㈣ 中医病案分析 悬赏200分
第一题 1:里虚证 2:脾气虚 3:食后半小时胀满不适,为脾失健运,按之得缓故为虚证,又见大便清晰、齿痕舌故定位在脾虚,少气懒言为气虚,综上辨为脾气虚证。4:四君子汤(人参去芦 白术9g 茯苓9g 炙甘草6g)
第二题 1:心血虚兼脾气不足统血无权 2:有心悸失眠、健忘等心血不足、心神失养既心血虚症候,食欲不正、便溏、及经量多等脾气不足、统血无权之症候 3:治疗以补气为主兼补血。
第三题 1:心肾阴虚 2:有五心烦热、潮红盗汗、头晕耳鸣、健忘、脉细数、舌红苔少等虚热定性症状;有心烦不寐、腰膝酸软、梦遗等心肾疾病的定位症状。综合可知为心肾阴虚证。
第四题 1:湿热蕴结肝胆,疏泄失常。有发热、小便短黄、大便不爽、脉数等湿热内盛的定性症状;有右胁胀痛、口苦、巩膜黄染、外阴瘙痒、厌油腻、脉弦等肝失疏泄、气机不畅的定位症状。
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