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发布时间:2023-05-20 10:33:33

‘壹’ 如何在 Office 365 登入与使用 Lync 2010

1. 登入 Office 365,在 Lync 分类中,点选【安装 Lync】。

2. 根据您的作业系统【版本】选择适合的【位元】,然后按【安装】。

3. 下载 Microsoft Lync 安装档 LyncSetup.exe 。

4. 下载完成后执行安装档,出现安装程式画面,【浏览】您要安装的位置,然后点选【安装】。

5. 安装完成,选择【关闭】。

6. 启动 Microsoft Lync,输入您的【登入位址】,也就是您登入 Office 365 的帐户,输入后按【登入】弯肢。

7. 完成从电脑桌面登入 Lync。

8. 您可以切换【状态】,操作跟 Windows Live Messenger 相同。

9. 如果要新增联络人,可在搜寻列输入联络人,在搜寻结果,点选【新增联络人】。

1. 登入 Office 365,点选【Outlook】。

2. 此时出闭陵现 Outlook 页面,点选右上角您的姓名,可以切换状态。

3. 在画面左边通讯录,可以选择目前在线上的联络轿闹戚人交谈。

4. 如果要新增连络人,请点选【新增联络人】功能。

5. 在【新增】方块中,输入要加入的联络人,按【确定】。

‘贰’ Lync Server 2010 要怎么安装求大神帮助

系统安装很简单,就是你辩吵的设备要求满足了没? 系统要求很长,全部英文( http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/lync/ff973713.aspx) 挑一些重点简单说: 服务器必须运行在64位系统(Windows Server 2008)上。 服务器硬件最低要求: CPU必须为以下之一: 64-bit al processor, quad-core, 2.0 gigahertz (GHz) or higher 64-bit 4-way processor, al-core, 2.0 GHz or higher 建议内存16GB 10,000转本地硬盘上的72GB可用空间 双网凳知卡, 均为千兆网卡 数据库要求: 64位SQL Server 2008 with SP1,或者 64位SQL Server 2008 Express,或者 SQL Server 2005企业版加SP3,或者 64位SQL Server 2005标准版加SP3 数据库服务器硬件要求: CPU以下之一: 64位双处理器,四核, 2GHz或以上主频 64位四路处理器, 双核, 2GHz或以上 后台服务器建议32GB内存 存档和监控数据库服务器建议16 GB内存(not collocated with the Back End Server) 10,000转本地硬盘上的72GB可用空间 双网卡, 均为千兆网卡 客户端软件要求: Windows 7 Windows Vista Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3 (SP3) 其他软件: 浏览器: Operating System Internet Explorer 8 Internet Explorer 7 Internet Explorer 6 Firefox 3.X Safari 5.X Safari 4.X Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit) Yes Yes — Yes — Windows Vista SP2 (32-bit and 64-bit) Yes Yes — Yes —— Windows XP SP3 (32-bit) Yes Yes Yes Yes —— Windows XP SP2 (64-bit) Yes Yes Yes Yes —— Windows Server 2008 R2 Yes Yes ————枣灶消 Windows Server 2003 (except IA-64) Yes Yes Yes ——— Windows Server 2000 SP4 —— Yes Yes —— Mac OS 10.4.8+ (Intel-based) ——— Yes Yes Yes Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft Silverlight browser plug-in version 4.0 is required for Lync 2010, the Online Meeting Add-in for Lync 2010, and Lync Web App. Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 To install Lync 2010 Attendant, the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 must already be installed. Install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Microsoft Office Lync Server 2010 clients support integration with various versions of Microsoft Office 客户端硬件要求: 最低要求 CPU 奔4, AMD Athlon 64, 或同等级别 数据和音频: 1.6G以上处理器, 建议2 GHz 32-bit 或 64-bit processor 视频: VGA要求双核1.9GHz 以上处理器, 高清要求四核 2GHz以上 如使用Microsoft RoundTable 会议设备: 2 GHz 以上 XP: 1GB内存 Windows Vista 或 Windows 7: 2 GB 内存 显示分辨率 1024x768 图形卡支持 Microsoft DirectX 9.0 application programming interface (API) 最少128 MB显存 (minimum) Windows Display Driver Model driver Pixel Shader 2.0 in hardware 32 bits per pixel 咪和喇叭或同等设备Telephony Microphone and speakers, headset with microphone, or equivalent device Recommended: Microsoft unified communications (UC) device, or a phone running Microsoft Lync 2010 Phone Edition Video source USB 2.0 video camera or RoundTable device Network Voice: Peer-to-peer: 40 kbps (minimum); 60 kbps (typical); 90 kbps (maximum) Conferencing: 40 kbps (minimum); 95 kbps (typical); 160 kbps (maximum) Media bypass: 80 kbps (minimum); 95 kbps (typical); 160 kbps (maximum) Video: CIF: 50 kbps (minimum); 210 kbps (typical); 250 kbps (maximum) VGA: 350 kbps (minimum); 500 kbps (typical); 600 kbps (maximum) High definition: 800 kbps (minimum); 1.2 Mbps (typical); 1.5 Mbps (maximum) RoundTable device: 50 kbps (minimum); 280 kbps (typical); 350 kbps (maximum) Data: Web conferencing (PSOM): 20 kbps (minimum); 200 kbps (typical); 500 kbps (maximum) File Transfer: 20 kbps (minimum); 200 kbps (typical); 200 kbps (maximum) Application Sharing: 256 kbps (minimum); 1 Mbps (typical); 3.5 Mbps (maximum) Typical bandwidth values are measurements of typical activity levels under good network conditions (for example, with no forward error correction, or FEC). This value can be used for capacity planning to assess if a network is provisioned appropriately. The values are cumulative. For example, for a conference call with audio, Common Intermediate Format (CIF) video, and panoramic video, an appropriately provisioned network would provide a bandwidth speed of 585 Kbps (95+210+280=585 Kbps). 还有建议配置 CPU Intel Pentium 4, AMD Athlon 64, or equivalent Data and voice: 1 GHz or larger processor. Support for 32-bit and 64-bit For the Microsoft RoundTable conferencing device: 2 GHz processor or higher Memory On Windows XP: 1 GB of RAM On Windows Vista or Windows 7: 2 GB of RAM Display resolution Required: Super VGA 1024 x 768 Recommended: Super VGA 1280 x 1024 or higher Hard drive At least 100 MB free Telephony Microphone and speakers, headset with microphone, or equivalent device Recommended: Microsoft UC device, or a phone running Microsoft Lync 2010 Phone Edition Bandwidth requirements Voice: 50 kbps (minimum); 80 kbps (high-quality) RoundTable device (for audio): 50 kbps (minimum); 350 kbps (high-quality) 还有下面这些部件都安装好: Web Services Enterprise Voice Contact Objects Dial Plans, Voice Polices, and Outbound Call Routes PIN Authentication and Policy 端口要求 IP phones use port 443 for the Device Update service. DNS Requirements

‘叁’ 如何安装lync 2010

Lync 2010

lync 2010是一款即时通讯软件

支档旁盯持 PC、Web、启数手机等其他移行和动设备



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