❶ 跪求,把我们学校地址翻译成英文。
Accounting Class 2, Grade 09, Dianchi Institute, Yunnan University, No.2, East Hongta Road, National Tourisme Holiday Zone, Xishan District, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, P.R. China
其实,寄东西到中国要写中文的,要不然很难收的到。毕竟邮递员不太懂英文。只用把国家China写成China, 就会到中国了,到了中国以后就是中国邮递员接手了,所以其余地址是中文的比较好。
❷ 学校的中文地址翻译成英文急~~~
Information Engineering Class 2, Grade 2007, Information Section, East Science & Technology College, Hunan Agriculture University, Changsha City, Hunan Province,P.R. China
❸ 学校英文怎么拼
❹ 你的学校在哪里 翻译成英语。
where is your school词典翻译成:Where do you go to school
❺ 你的学校在哪里 翻译成英语。
Where is your school?
Can you tell me where your school is?
❻ 学校翻译成英文
xué xiào
school; ecational institution:
学校办工厂 schools establishing factories
半日制学校 half-day school
工业学校 school of technology
高等学校 institution of higher learning
函授学校 correspondence school
护士学校 nurses' training school; nursing school
聋哑学校 school for deaf-mutes
盲人学校 school for the blind
全日制正规学校 full-time regular school
少年业余体育学校 youth spare-time sports school; youth amateur athletic school
师范学校 teachers' school; normal school
业余学校 spare-time school
幼儿师范学校 school for kindergarten teachers
职业学校 vocational school
中等专业学校 secondary specialized school
中等技术学校 secondary technical school
重点学校 key school
专业学校 specialized school
学校学成年数 school years completed
❼ “xx市xx区xx镇xx中学”如何译成英文
英语的地址就是很多逗号的, 正确的翻译是:
F Middle School, E Twon, D District, C +邮政编码, +国家
当你看英文地址时, 城市一般不加City, 并且, 在城市后面加上一串数字, 那是Zip/Post Code, 即邮编.
你自己之前说的不够清楚. 如果是学校的名字就更容易啦, 很多的学校名字本身就带地名, 比如广州第十中学, 但有些是没有地名的, 比如英才小学. 对于有地名的,直接翻译就是, 不要把学校的地址也带进去, Guangzhou No.10 Middle School. 没有地址的, 可以直接翻译Yingcai primary school, 除非学校本身已经起了特别的英文名,否则最好就用拼音. 为了表达更加清晰, 可以在校名前加上地名, 比如这个小学在烟台,那么可以翻译成 Yantai Yingcai Primary School.
你这种情况事实上属于第二种, 翻译可以不用到市, 就是翻译E F Middle School, 到市的话可以是C E F Middle School, 区也要带上的就就加入去, 不用带什么City,District,Town之类的.
❽ 跪求,把我们学校地址翻译成英文。
应用外语系商务英语5班 Business English Class 5
应用外语系 Department of Applied Foreign Languages
广东女子职业技术学院 Guangdong Women's Vocational and Technical Institute
市莲路南浦村段2号 Shilan Road (Lu) No. 2 Nanpu Village Section
中国广东省 广州市 番禺区 Panyu District, Guangzhou, China Postcode XXXXXX
❾ 在学校翻译成英语怎么写
at school
❿ 请教:翻译成英文:1、我的学校坐落在翠微路,占地8千多平方米
1,my school is located in Cuiwei Road, covering more than 1,000 square meters 8
2, My home away from the school about five to station (translation can be converted into miles) distance, as far distance, so my father opened a day of tea sent me to school
3,In schools, games, activities such as spring tour, and I loved most students go to spring tour, get close to nature