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⑴ 求翻譯,關於COCA語料庫的

Could you use COCA to form prototypes of a certain word (eg: answer/solve question, answer/solve problem)? Give at least one example to show how a word is typically used.漢語翻譯:你可以使用古柯成某一個詞的原型(例如:回答或解決的問題,回答和解決問題)?給至少一個例子來說明如何一詞通常用於。

⑵ 怎樣保存可口可樂紀念罐













1982年2月4日健怡可口可樂Diet Coca-Cola問世。









2010年可口可樂公司成為2010年上海世博會全球合作夥伴,企業館「可口可樂 快樂工坊」共吸引超過100萬遊客熱情參觀。





2017年3月10日,可口可樂在中國推出了櫻桃口味的可口可樂 。

2017年,可口可樂通過官方微信公布了《變形金剛5》聯名款摩登罐 ,包括可口可樂、雪碧、芬達三個系列,分別以:擎天柱、大黃蜂等汽車人作罐身裝飾,設計出具有時代感的摩登罐。


2018年,可口可樂推出了全新福娃包裝, 並與支付寶合作。





⑶ coca 20000詞有用嘛

COCA,全稱Corpus of Contemporary American English,即當代美國英語語料庫,它是這個世紀里最大的美國語言學研究項目,地位影響深遠。

⑷ coca colorization 是什麼意思

Americans have even coined a word for it: "Coca-colonization." It is a term which has the idea of 「erosion of a country』s indigenous culture」 in replace of the American values.
「Coca-Cola」 has been, without any doubt, a universal language nowadays. Throughout its 120 years of history, Coca-Cola has indeed built a very powerful consumer network throughout almost 150 countries (Constance L. Hay) all round the world. However, although its brand has gone through the process of foreign integration, the Coca-Cola Company still perpetuates an image of an American ambassador to spread the idea of being democratic, good, unique, traditional and full of freedom. Americans have even coined a word for it: "Coca-colonization." It is a term which has the idea of 「erosion of a country』s indigenous culture」 in replace of the American values. (Wikipedia) In this essay, with reference to Coca-colonization, one is going to analyze the intentional meanings derived from proct-external methods (Dr. Neil Drave) by the customers and procers of Coca-Cola Company in the text provided. Coca-Cola Company has invested millions and billions of dollars to perpetuate an image of international unity by adopting local culture to Coca-Cola.


Cocacolonization (alternatively coca-colonization) is a term that refers to globalization or cultural colonization. It is a portmanteau of the name of the multinational soft drink maker Coca-Cola and the word colonization.

The term is used to imply either:

the importation of Western (particularly American) goods or
an invasion by Western and especially American cultural values that threatens the local culture.
While it is possible to use the term benignly, it has been used pejoratively to liken globalization to Westernization or Americanization.

The term has been used at least since 1949; one of the first documented uses is in the warnings in French communist press of that era. It gained high visibility in the European Americanization debate with the 1994 publication of the Reinhold Wagnleitner's book, Coca-Colonization and the Cold War: The Cultural Mission of the United States in Austria After the Second World War. The expression also became a catch phrase of the anti-globalization movement.


⑸ 語料庫Corpus of Contemporary American怎麼

關於語料庫的應用, 1. 例舉Collins 和 COCA的若干查詢句法(query syntax)? 一. Collins 1.make+Nmistake N=1時,出現 make a mistake; make the mistake; make no mistake等 N=2時,出現make a mistake;Make the same mistake等 2.make@+1mistake 出現make a mistake;make the mistake;made a mistake;making a mistake等 3. make*+1mistake 出現make a mistake;make no mistake;makes the mistake等 4.take+ NOUN 出現take place;take advantage of;take steps to等 5. VERB+1game@ 出現improve their game;hang any game;playing games;spent games;scoring games等 6. do+1NN 出現do the Doodlebug;do the balance;do all day;do the work等 7.make+NNS 出現make suggestions;make procts;make points等 8.JJ+mistake 出現common mistake;terrible mistake;the big mistake ;obvious `mistake'等 9. RB+make@ 出現not made; then made; ever made; even make; only make等 二.COCA 1.big* 出現BIG 170465次; BIGGEST 28396次; BIGGER 18899次等 2.[=big] trees 出現LARGE TREES 18次;MATURE TREES 15次;TALL TREES 14次等 3. [V*] mistake 出現MIGHT MISTAKE 3次;MAY MISTAKE 3次等 4. * place* 出現IN PLACE 2997次;A PLACE 2418次;TOOK PLACE 2228次等 5. un*ly 出現 UNFORTUNATELY 3885次; UNLIKELY 3348次; UNDOUBTEDLY 1662次等 6. [vvg] 出現 USING 34034次; MAKING 18385次;WORKING 13409次等 7. [v?g] 出現BEING 47303次;USING 34034次; HAVING 19440次等 8. [[=publish]] the 出現ANNOUNCED THE 308次;PUBLISHED THE 290次; DISTRIBUTE THE 128等 9. [davies:clothes] 出現 BELT 1153次; TIE 858次; HAT 710次; SHIRT 373次等 10. dis*.[vvd] 出現 DISCOVERED 2500次; DISCUSSED 1870次; DISPLAYED 832次等 11. [put] on * 出現PUT ON THE 194次; PUT ON A 110次;PUT ON HOLD 29次;PUTTING ON A 20次等 2. 通過語料庫, 弄清楚 Hope 和 wish 兩詞的意思和使用方面的差異,舉例說明。 3. Dedicate一詞,在科技英語/學術英語中常有哪些主要意思?舉出例句。 4. 如何利用語料庫來解決英語運用方面的困難和疑問,舉例說明? ★2-4題合並練習如下: �6�1(1) 幫助解決記憶單詞難問題 對於英語學習者來說,要克服單詞障礙似乎除了死記硬背沒有什麼更好的辦法,語料庫的出現將徹底改變我們在這個認識上的誤區。學習一個生詞不僅僅是記住它的發音、拼寫和意思,還要熟悉它所出現的語境和句子,這樣才能真正把握住單詞的用法,牢固地記住單詞。語料庫能提供大量的實例,使我們聚焦某個單詞的各種用法,注意到單詞所出現的語言環境和句子,這樣使得我們更容易在真實語境中記憶單詞,效果更佳。 例如:形容詞delicate有多種意思,可以翻譯為:精巧的、精緻的、病弱的、脆弱的、微妙的、棘手的、靈敏的、精密的。但在什麼情況下可理解為"精巧的",在什麼情況理解為"微妙的"或者"脆弱的"則需要實際例子才能講得清楚,通過語料庫檢索夠可以得到有關delicate大量的句子實例等。檢索結果:我們可以從語料庫里查找到delicate的各種用法。利用語料庫學習或講解單詞可以擴展我們的視野,加深對單詞的理解,增強用詞造句的能力。 "receive this recycled stationary pack with a delicate jungle etching on a lavender background. It helps define the eyes without dragging the delicate skin around them. For a softer line, blend Silver Earrings �0�5 37.50 ea21587 [p] [h] Delicate Raindrops of Pure Quartz [/h] The simple brown in colour, with large pores and a delicate crust. [/h] [h] Pretzels and savoury village hotel High Pyrenees family welcome, delicate cuisine, half-board included the most attract and hold the st. Ideal for use on delicate objects, ornaments, furniture and polished range of programmes for lightly soiled and delicate clothes; no-spin drip-dry programmes; stage-RAMEKINS [/h] Courgette souffle is a delicate and delicious mixture, made creamy with a DOES IT [/h] FREE OFFER [p] [c] PHOTO [/c] Delicate dishes need to be washed up with care. " �6�1(2) 辨析同義詞 同義詞的辨析是英語學習中的一大障礙。網路語料庫提供的詞語搭配在這方面發揮的作用是普通詞典不能比擬的。因為傳統詞典的辨析由於缺乏大量語料的配合而無法產生同樣效果。例如:wish和hope是一對常用近義詞,而我們學習英語到現在都還經常誤用或不能活用這兩個詞。通過語料庫查詢比較"wish"與"hope"的用法。 ●作及物動詞時 wish和hope都與to do sth.搭配。但分析表明,wish to do sth. 意為"現在"想做某事,它表達的是眼下的要求或意願(一般容易實現) ,其中"do"隱含的時間狀語是"now"或"then"。而hope to do sth. 意為想在"將來"做成某事,它表達的是一個想要實現的目標(不一定能實現) ,其中"do"隱含的時間狀語是"in some time to come"。語料庫中摘引的例子如下: ◆A lady wished to see me urgently. ◆I wish now to give a more detailed description of the 1974 Remembrance Daymarch. ◆Their lawyer hop s to take the case to the European Council. ●wish帶名詞做賓語的分析 用作及物動詞的wish可以帶名詞做賓語,兩者的搭配方式為:wish sb sth.或wish sth. to /on sb. (表祝願),wishsb. to do sth.或wish sth. done (表願望)。 例如: ◆I wish them all the luck in the world. ◆I don't want to wish any bad luck on them. ◆Many wish Britain to have a major influence in world affairs again. ◆There is some sensitive material which the depositor does not wish divulged. 而在該語料庫中沒有發現hope後帶名詞作賓語的例子,這可以直觀的說明以上兩詞的使用差異。 ●用作不及物動詞的wish和hope之比較 用作不及物動詞時,wish主要出現在if + sb. +wish、as+ sb. +wish、when + sb. +wish等組合中,表示"眼下"的願望或要求,這些組合既可作狀語,也可作插入語。而hope主要用在sb. + hope、it + be + hoped、what + sb. + hope +be等組合中,表示對一個理想情況的期盼,這些組合只作插入語。 例如從預料庫中摘錄的例子如下: ◆Mr. Scowcroft means that the UN is now operating as the US wishes. ◆When you print the briefing charts, you can also, if you wish, print the note files. ◆The result, he hoped, would be happy. ◆This, it is hoped, might provide an economic incentive for conservation. ◆I put the key into what I hoped was the right lock. 從實例中和真實語境中完全可以直觀地分辨出兩者的用法差異,給我們非英語專業學習者帶來了巨大方便。 (3)不同語境中單詞的准確運用 通過檢索結果,可以注意到在不同文體中的不同措辭,從而有助於我們學會正確使用單詞。 例如"so"與"therefore"都可以表示"因此",但是兩詞是否可以無條件互換,通過閱讀以下檢索結果可以發現。 "therefore"一詞使用時,其所在的句子,沒有一句以人稱代詞直接作為主語;而使用"so"的句子,4句中有3句使用人稱代詞作為主語。由此, 我們不難得出結論,"therefore"更多地是在較為正式的文體中使用。例如可以通過如下的檢索可以很明顯滴看出兩詞在文中的應用概況: "and will continue to provide. Yet we can't do so alone - we desperately need your help now. [p] the consumer to identify quality suppliers, so Betterware is proud to have become a corporate dealt with in the same way by the subconscious So what dictates the content of our dreams? Says long list for the Commonwealth Games last winter so I thought I'd go for it. [p] I did serious or lower middle class and they got into music so they wouldn't have to be workers. That was our said two hundred rebels had been killed so far while the have been arrested on suspicion she said at the end of my recital. `I've been so worried there would never be an adequate a system of exploitation of one area by another." "of women? [p] That Jesus was a man and that therefore only men can be priests. [p] That suggests or by sponsoring companies. The choice is therefore extensive for the indivial student. [p] put in us to keep your details confidential. Therefore you will never receive unsolicited mail as how she will rebuild her shack. [p] DAG would therefore like to appeal to you for your help. [p] The sun is at its highest in the sky and therefore at its most powerful at midday GMT (1pm propane containers need to be stronger, and therefore bigger and heavier. The smaller your craft, guarding the Soviet Union's interests. It is therefore not interested in cultivating or proposing automatic link." (5)解決單詞的搭配和使用 我們在學習英語時經常遇到單詞搭配的難題,比如當一個詞可以和多個詞進行搭配時,對於英語功底不夠深厚的學生往往很難把握,有了網路語料庫以後,這些變得很容易。例如,大風,單詞wind前面加什麼修飾詞好呢? 輸入big wind,[=big] wind檢索結果分別如下:BIG WIND 41; HIGH WIND 103;GOOD WIND 33;GREAT WIND 28;從中可以看出,大風的大字用HIGH單詞修飾更好些,同時還可以學到不少別的用法,對學習很有幫助。 比如,完成工作,有完成意思的單詞有finish,accomplish,achieve,complete,fulfill等 通過語料庫可分別檢索其使用頻率,結果如下: ACCOMPLISH WORK 2; FINISH WORK 63;ACHIEVE no matching records;COMPLETE WORK 42;FULFILL WORK 2 從檢索結果可以得出結論:通常情況下,完成工作用finish搭配work的使用頻率最高,因此最合適,COMPLETE WORK 42次之,其它搭配形式較少使用。 (6)觀察句法結構 在掌握單詞和詞語搭配的基礎上,若想要造出完美的句子來,我們還必須熟悉外語的句法結構。在這方面,網路語料庫同樣為我們提供了探索的途徑。例如,英語中,有的動詞後面只接不定式做賓語,有的動詞只接動名詞做賓語,而有的動詞既可接不定式又可接動名詞做賓語,而使用不定式和動名詞有時意義區別不大,有時意義完全不同,這樣的句法結構常常困擾著我們,運用網路語料庫我們可以輕而易舉地解決這個問題。例如輸入"forget + to +VB" 和"forget +VBG",我們可以得到大量的包含這一結構的樣句: "by Banker's Order - it means you won't forget to pay your subscriptions. [p] Subscription weekend of family entertainment - don't forget to bring your camera! [p] SPECIAL PRICES with Mercury's basic call charges. So don't forget to press the Mercury button every time you with a note of the date you sent it. Don't forget to give your own name and address on the everyone will love. And when on tour don't forget to look up, back, around the corner " "adds a spice and excitement you will never forget. Watching an elephant herd upwind of you and with a bang. [p] Seven day/late night opening-Forget dashing out in your lunch hour, shop at MAKRO because of the forces vote and I will never forget listening to the results in the Labour Club. spray-on `bandage" [c] picture [/c] [p] Forget using plasters and bandages on grazes, cuts is still concted on the river. How could I forget being taken out in a flat-bottomed boat by to let these feelings out if you are to forget. Having a contrite husband may have made it simple, and so thoughtless Little doll I can't forget/Smoking on a cigarette''-he's just getting child has some special ecational need " 通過檢索這些例句,我們可看出在forget之後用動名詞表示先與forget表示的動作,而用不定式表示後於forget表示的動作。通過以上例子可以看出,藉助語料庫得到各種含有這種結構的例句,各個句都能釋放出真實生動的語言信息,正是這樣多種真實的語言信息加上反復出現的句型結構才起到強化學習效果的作用。 以上只是語料庫可以幫助我們克服英語學習障礙的部分功能,從此可以看出,充分利用語料庫的優勢可以非常有效地幫助我們學習英語。

⑹ 可口可樂logo為什麼要加中國字樣


⑺ 可口可樂是怎麼做的

  1. 可樂原漿,玉米原漿果糖混合

  2. 加入小蘇打,產生二氧化碳

  3. 就可以做出美味的可樂了,放在冰箱冰一下更爽口。

  4. 一般快餐店機器的機器有兩個罐,一個裝二氧化碳氣罐,一個可樂糖漿。

⑻ coca20000文本釋義怎麼使用

,這些詞彙也能碰到。 誠如樓主所說,知之為知之埃 我藉此機會學到了這個詞彙。謝謝了。 =============================== Cocacolonization 來自Coca-cola 指的是以可口可樂一類美國文化入侵其他國家並取代其他國家的文化。



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