導航:首頁 > 使用方法 > 英語常用運動方法


發布時間:2023-02-06 22:59:08

1. 英語積累:三個運動

乒乓球Table tennis
1.體操 gymnastics
2.游泳 swimming
3.擊劍 fencing
4.舉重 weightlifting
5.棒球 baseball
6.籃球 basketball
7.排球 volleyball
8.乒乓球 table tennis
9.足球 soccer
10.跳水 diving
11.馬球 polo
12.水球 water polo
13.壘球 softball
14.網球 tennis
15.賽艇 canoe
16.沖浪 surfing
17.自行車 cycling
18.羽毛球 badminton
19.田徑 track and field
20.手球 handball
21.摔交 wrestling
22.拳擊 boxing
23.射箭 toxophily
24.射擊 shooting
25.柔道 judo
26.騎馬 equestrian
27.曲棍球 hockey
football 足球
rugby 橄欖球
basketball 籃球
volleyball 排球
tennis 網球
baseball 壘球
handball 手球
hockey 曲棍球
golf 高爾夫球
cricket 板球
ice hockey 冰球
gymnastics 體操
horizontal bar 單杠
parallel bars 雙杠
rings 吊環
side horse, pommelled horse 鞍馬
weight-lifting 舉重
boxing 拳擊
Greece-Roman wrestling 古典式摔跤
judo 柔道
fencing 擊劍
skiing 滑雪
downhill race 速降滑雪賽,滑降
slalom 障礙滑雪
ski jump 跳高滑雪
ice skating 滑冰
figure skating 花樣滑冰
roller skating 滑旱冰
middle-distance race 中長跑
sprint 短跑 (美作:dash)
the 400 metre hurdles 400米欄
marathon 馬拉松
decathlon 十項
cross-country race 越野跑
high jump 跳高
long jump 跳遠 (美作:broad jump)
triple jump, hop step and jump 三級跳
pole vault 撐竿跳
throw 投擲
throwing 投擲運動
putting the shot, shot put 推鉛球
throwing the discus 擲鐵餅
throwing the hammer 擲鏈錘
throwing the javelin 擲標槍
walk 競走
swimming 游泳
medley relay 混合泳
crawl 爬泳
breaststroke 蛙式
backstroke 仰式
freestyle 自由式
butterfly (stroke) 蝶泳
diving competition 跳水
water polo 水球
water skiing 水橇
rowing 劃船
canoe 劃艇
boat race 賽艇
yacht 遊艇
kayak 皮船
sailing 帆船運動
jockey, polo 馬球

2. 有哪些運動英語單詞

經常運動可加強心肌收縮力,增加肺活量,提高人體健康水平。那麼有哪些運動英語單詞呢?一起來了解下吧:【有哪些運動英語單詞】High Jump 跳高Long Jump 跳遠Pole Vault[vɔlt] 撐桿跳高Javelin['dʒævlɪn] Throw 擲標槍Shot Put 扔鉛球Walking 競走Hammer Throw 擲鏈球Discus ['dɪskəs] Throw 擲鐵餅Marathon['mærə,θɑn] 馬拉松Sprint [sprɪnt] 短跑Long-distance Race 長跑Hurdles ['hɝdl] 跨欄Soccer/football 足球Diving 跳水Swimming 游泳SynchronisedSwimming花樣游泳['siŋkrənaizd]Water Polo['polo] 水球Sailing 帆船運動Surfing ['sɝfɪŋ] 沖浪Boating 劃船Basketball 籃球Table Tennis/Ping Pong 乒乓球Badminton 羽毛球Hockey ['hɑki] 曲棍球Tennis 網球Baseball 棒球Softball['sɔftbɔl] 壘球Rugby ['rʌɡbi] 英式橄欖球American football美式橄欖球Cricket ['krɪkɪt] 板球Volleyball 排球Bowling ['bolɪŋ] 保齡球Golf 高爾夫球Handball 手球Billiards['bɪljɚdz] 撞球/檯球【關於運動的英語單詞】Boxing ['bɑksɪŋ] 拳擊Fencing ['fɛnsɪŋ] 擊劍Judo ['dʒudo] 柔道Taekwondo [taɪ'kɔndo] 跆拳道Martial ['mɑrʃəl] art 武術Wrestling ['rɛslɪŋ] 摔跤Sumo ['sumo] 相撲Horizontal['hɔrə'zɑntl] Bar 單桿Parallel['pærəlɛl] Bars 雙桿Uneven Bars 高低桿Floors 自由體操Balance Beam [bim]平衡木Rings 吊環Vaulting['vɔltɪŋ] Horse 跳馬Side Horse 鞍馬Gliding滑翔Hang-gliding 懸掛滑翔Parachuting['pærəʃu:tiŋ]跳傘Paragliding['pærəɡlaɪdɪŋ]滑翔傘運動Skydiving特效跳傘Bungee jumping['bʌndʒi]蹦極Aerobatics[,ɛrə'bætɪks]特技飛行Model aircraft模型飛機飛行Ballooning熱氣球飛行Air racing飛行競速Human powered aircraft人力飛行Wingsuit flying飛鼠裝滑翔運動【健身運動的英語單詞】Yoga瑜伽Spinning動感單車Aerobics [eə'rəʊbɪks]有氧運動Anaerobic[,ænɛ'robɪk]exercise無氧運動Pilates/pɪˈlætiz/ 普拉提Skipping 跳繩Boxing 拳擊Boxercise有氧拳擊Adjustable bench可調節長凳Barbell['bɑrbɛl] 杠鈴Dumbbell['dʌmbel] 啞鈴Treadmill['trɛdmɪl]跑步機Warm-up 熱身Flex 彎曲Stretch 伸展Press-up 俯卧撐Squat[skwɑt]蹲起Sit-up 仰卧起坐Pull up引體向上【運動項目的英語單詞】Road cycling 公路自行車賽Track cycling 場地自行車賽sprint 追逐賽time trial 計時賽points race 計分賽pursuit 爭先賽Mountain bike 山地自行車賽Swimming 游泳freestyle 自由泳backstroke 仰泳breaststroke 蛙泳butterfly 蝶泳indivial medley 個人混合泳freestyle relay 自由泳接力medley relay 混合泳接力Water polo 水球Diving 跳水10m platform event 十米跳台3m springboard event 三米跳板synchronised diving from 10 m platform 雙人十米跳台synchronised diving from 3 m springboard 雙人三米跳板Synchronised swimming 花樣游泳Badminton 羽毛球men's singles 男子單打women's singles 女子單打men's doubles 男子雙打women's doubles 女子雙打mixed doubles 混合雙打Baseball 棒球Basketball 籃球Football 足球Handball 手球Hockey / Field Hockey 曲棍球Softball 壘球Table Tennis 乒乓球Tennis 網球Volleyball 排球Beach Volleyball 沙灘排球

3. 鍛煉方式英語


鍛煉方式,Exercise Style
1)Exercise Style鍛煉方式

內容拓展:1.Jogging Is A Healthy Form Of Exercise.慢跑是有益健康的鍛煉方式.
2.In Winter There Is Nothing Like Skating As A Means Of Keeping Fit.冬天沒有比溜冰更好的鍛煉方式了。
3.It Is Also Important To Select Suitable Exercises And Then To Do Them In An Orderly Way, Step By Step.選擇適合自己的鍛煉方式,然後有條不紊地、序漸進地鍛煉是重要的。
4.Bicycling Is A Goo

4. 用英語介紹增強體質的鍛煉方法

It is easy to pile on the excuses for not exercising: 「It's too cold」; 「I'm too tired」; 「It's too dark」; 「It's the Christmas holidays so I'm bound to pile on the pounds anyway」. At this time of year you are probably feeling exhausted. However, you could actually do with maintaining rather than recing your efforts because you are going to need all the energy you can get to cope with the demands of the new year. I'm too tired Although it feels like the last thing you need, exercise increases the levels of oxygen in your body and stimulates the nervous and digestive systems which, in turn, will raise your energy levels significantly. While intensive training will make you feel tired, moderate levels will give you a positive boost. Focus on cardiovascular exercise in 30-minute sessions, and try to stay within a relatively comfortable zone, say seven out of ten - on a scale where 1 equals being totally at rest and 10 is being completely exhausted. For your resistance training, try changing your routine a bit if you have been doing heavy-strength work, and focus on circuit training- type sessions, which give you a general workout. Too cold, too dark If you can't summon up much enthusisam for exercising outdoors, perhaps you can use the daylight hours, in your luncbreak if necessary. If you usually exercise for 60 minutes, it's fine to cut it back to 30 for now. Or why not try exercising at home? You can do the latter with a simple routine that alternates between the upper and lower body in a circuit, such as press-ups, squats and lunges. This approach to exercise raises heart rate and works the entire body well. Or you might concentrate on key areas, such as your tummy. It's not always easy to do a full routine at home if you don't feel motivated or your surroundings don't feel quite right, but you could focus on doing a 10 to 15-minute routine for the stomach, combining exercises for all parts of the waist. For more on the exercises, go to timesonline.co.uk/dietandfitness . Try something new If you usually run or cycle or play tennis, try a new activity that can be done throughout the winter, such as swimming. The change in routine is good for mind and body. If you swim now, you could enter a athlon (swim and cycle, or swim and run) in spring and build towards a triathlon later in the year. Get on with it If you procrastinate until the new year, you are making your task harder when it arrives. Stop-start exercise plays havoc with your metabolism and nullifies any gains. The increased calorie intake and partying are all the more reason for building some form of routine. We are all fighting our own recessionary battles, but if you feel fit, healthy and focused enough you can win them faster and be more than ready for when things get better. 我們很容易找到成堆的借口不去鍛煉:「太冷了」;「我太累了」;「天太黑了」;「現在是聖誕節假日,所以不管怎樣我註定要增肥了」。 一年中的這個時候你大概會感到精疲力盡。 然而,你實際上應該堅持而不是減少你的努力,因為你需要全部的精力去應對新的一年的需求。 我太累了。 縱然你感覺鍛煉是你最不需要的事情,但鍛煉可以提高你體內的氧氣含量並刺激神經和消化系統,從而很大程度的提升身體的能量。盡管強化訓練會讓你感覺到累,然而適度等級的訓練會讓你的能量得到積極的提升。把精力集中於30分鍾階段的心臟血管鍛煉,設法讓自己停留在相對舒適圈,從1到10中說出7個數-說第一個時完全靜止,到10時就完全精疲力盡了。 如果你一直從事高強度的工作,那麼對於你的健體訓練,試著改變一點常規,將精力集中於周期性的訓練,它將會讓你得到整體的鍛煉。 太冷了,太黑了。 如果你對戶外運動沒有太多熱情的話,也許你可以在午休時間利用白天的時間鍛煉一下。如果你通常鍛煉60分鍾,現在可以縮短到30分鍾。或者何不試著在家鍛煉?對於後者你可以遵從一個簡單的循環常式:身體上半部分和下半部分交替鍛煉,比如說做俯卧撐,蹲下,跳遠。這種鍛煉方法可以提高心率,對全身有益。或者你可以集中鍛煉主要部位,比如說胃。如果你沒有足夠的動力或周圍環境不太適合的話,通常很難在家做完整的鍛煉常式。但你可以用10到15分鍾集中鍛煉胃,結合腰部的鍛煉。關於更多的鍛煉信息,請到timesonline.co.uk/dietandfitness查閱 . 嘗試一些新花樣。 如果你經常跑步或做循環鍛煉或打網球,那麼嘗試一下可以在冬天做的新的運動,比如說游泳。鍛煉常式的改變有益身心。如果現在你現在堅持游泳,你還可以在春天進行兩項鍛煉(游泳加循環鍛煉,或者游泳加跑步),然後在一年中之後的時間同時做三項鍛煉。 行動起來吧! 如果你想一直耽擱到新的一年,那麼當它到來時你的任務會更難。三天打漁兩天曬網的鍛煉會對新陳代謝造成嚴重破壞,並且前功盡棄。熱量的不斷攝入和參加派對都是讓你建立某種鍛煉常式的因素。 我們都在同我們身體的衰退做斗爭,但如果你感覺舒適,健康並且能夠做到足夠集中的話,就可以更快的贏得勝利,而且當情況變得更好時,我們的身體也會更健康。


5. 常見運動項目的英文表達


race 跑

middle-distance race 中長跑 sprint 短跑 (美作:dash)

the 400 metre hurdles 400米欄 marathon 馬拉松

decathlon 十項 cross-country race 越野跑 walk 競走 jump 跳躍

high jump 跳高long jump 跳遠 (美作:broad jump) triple jump, hop step and jump 三級跳 pole vault 撐竿跳 throw 投擲

putting the shot, shot put 推鉛球 throwing the discus 擲鐵餅

throwing the hammer 擲鏈錘 throwing the javelin 擲標槍

gymnastics 體操

horizontal bar 單杠 parallel bars 雙杠rings 吊環trapeze 鞦韆 wall bars 肋木 side horse, pommelled horse 鞍馬 winter sports 冬季運動

skiing 滑雪downhill race 速降滑雪賽,滑降

slalom 障礙滑雪 ski jumping competition 跳高滑雪比賽

ski jump 跳高滑雪

ice skating 滑冰 figure skating 花樣滑冰

Games and Competitions 球類運動

football 足球rugby 橄欖球basketball 籃球

volleyball 排球 tennis 網球 baseball 壘球

handball 手球 hockey 曲棍球 golf 高爾夫球 cricket 板球 ice hockey 冰球lawn tennis 草地網球運動

Water Sports 水上運動

swimming 游泳 medley relay 混合泳breaststroke 蛙式 backstroke 仰式 freestyle 自由式 butterfly (stroke) 蝶泳

diving competition 跳水three-meter springboard 3米跳板one-meter

springboard 1米跳板

water polo 水球 rowing 劃船 canoe 劃艇

boat race 賽艇 yacht 遊艇 kayak 皮船

sailing 帆船運動

diving platform 跳台 ten-meter platform 10米跳台 five-meter

platform 5米跳台

car 車類運動

road race 公路賽 race 計時賽 chase 追逐賽 rally 汽車拉力賽

Riding and Horse Races 賽馬

jockey, polo 馬球show jumping competition 跳躍賽

steeplechase 障礙賽 fence 障礙

Football 足球

football, soccer, Association football 足球

Baseball and Softball 棒球和壘球

baseball 棒球 softball 壘球

Wrestling 搏擊類競技

weight-lifting 舉重boxing 拳擊judo 柔道

fencing 擊劍 Greek-Roman wrestling 古典式摔跤

小學體育項目英語 單詞

skipping rope 跳繩 jogging 慢跑 running 跑步

long jump 跳遠high jump 跳高 skating 滑冰

swimming 游泳 Football 足球 Basketball 籃球

田徑運動 track and field;田賽 field events 競賽 track events

跳高 high jump 撐桿跳高 pole jump; polevault

跳遠 long/broad jump 三級跳遠 hop, step and jump; triple jump 標槍 javelin throw 鉛球 shot put 鐵餅 discus throw

接力 relay race; relay跨欄比賽 hurdles; hurdle race

競走 walking; walking race墊上運動 mat exercises

單杠 horizontal bar 雙杠 parallel bars

高低杠 uneven bars; high-low bars

球類運動 ball games

足球 football; soccer 籃球 basketball

排球 volleyball乒乓球 table tennis; ping pong

羽毛球 badminton

網球 tennis棒球 baseball 壘球 softball手球 handball

jumping 跳躍運動

high jump 跳高 long jump 跳遠 (美作:broad jump)

triple jump, hop step and jump 三級跳 pole vault 撐竿跳

throw 投擲

putting the shot, shot put 推鉛球 throwing the discus 擲鐵餅

throwing the hammer 擲鏈錘 throwing the javelin 擲標槍

walk 競走

6. 介紹一下各種體育運動的英語單詞!謝謝千萬不要復制!

1. 球類運動:1)play basketball( 打籃球)2)play badminton (打羽毛球)3)play tennis (打網球)4)play table tennis( 打乒乓球 ) 5)play football/soccer (踢足球)6)play volleyball (打排球)7)play baseball (打棒球)
2.戶外運動:1) surfing 沖浪 2)skiing 滑冰 3)wind surf 風帆 4)swimming 游泳 5) boating 劃船 6)climbing (爬山)
3.健身運動:1)skipping rope( 跳繩)2)jogging (慢跑)3)running (跑步) 4) long jump (跳遠)5)high jump (跳高)
4.其它運動:1)Suspension loop (吊環)2)The stay rod jumps (撐桿跳)



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