導航:首頁 > 使用方法 > 軸承常用的拆裝方法溫差法


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Ⅰ 高分——軸承知識中譯英——機器翻譯來冒充答案的請繞行

In all preparations for installation after the end of the work, in order to open the packaging cleaning bearings bearings. For the use of antirust oil seal bearing, prior to use kerosene or gasoline ( pay attention to the fire ) for cleaning. On the viscosity of antirust grease ( now rarely used) sealed bearings, can use the oil temperature is not more than 100℃light mineral oil such as 10 mechanical oil and transformer oil dissolved, then using kerosene and gasoline cleaning. On the use of lubricating oil seal for bearings and sealed bearings can be directly installed and used without cleaning. After cleaning the bearing should be installed, to avoid contamination. Can not be installed, should be placed in a clean place and pay attention to rust. Need of manual cleaning of bearings, can be in the hands of apply anti-rust agent and isolation.
13.1.2 installation method
Bearing installation method of the main pressure method, temperature method and hydraulic method in three ways.
·pressure method
Under the condition of normal temperature does not change with the size of parts, directly using the pressure of installation ( or remove ) method called pressure method, see figure 13.2. This method is generally used for the amount of surplus small medium and small type bearing mounting and dismounting. For the larger magnitude of interference or large bearings, as well as the stiffness of the weaker parts should avoid taking this method, to avoid the associated part deformation.
With pressure mounting bearing, bearing should be in uniform pressure on the end face, and always maintain the bearing and axle neck and bearing seat hole concentric, prevent deflection. All through the rolling body and a holding frame transmission pressure, it will damage the bearing parts bearing working surface, the normal play performance. Should stop with a hammer percussion tools such as direct bearing phenomenon.
Pressure method can be used to press, a lock nut or a soft metal hammer in bearing end circumference of percussion to achieve. The method of pressure can be with the surface smearing lubricant with moderate to protect surface, but attention to excessive use of lubricant will affect the fit quality, causing the bearing running skid phenomenon, especially on the amount of surplus small complexes should be used cautiously lubricant.
Temperature difference method
When the larger magnitude of interference or in use need frequent dismounting bearing pressure method, assembly and disassembly is easy to damage the mating surface of bearing. This can be considered the temperature difference method installation. Temperature difference method is utilized to heat ( expansion ) or frozen ( shrinkage ) method of making bearing interference temporarily disappear, to be normal after recovery to achieve the purpose of convenient mounting and dismounting bearing.
The use of assembly and disassembly of bearing temperature method, regardless of the selection of the heating or cooling mode, the main is to control the temperature of the bearing. The heating temperature is too high, can make bearing materials, hardness or the dimension precision of change, the temperature is too low ( freezing temperature ) can make bearing brittle failure. In general, the bearing temperature should be lower than the material of tempering temperature 60~ 70 ℃, for plain bearing steel, the highest heating temperature should be controlled at 100℃. Freezing temperature control in 50℃.
Temperature difference method commonly used methods of oil heating, air heating, flame heating method and electric inction heating method. The air heating temperature heating box, electric inction heating process it is necessary to design a special electromagnetic inction device. The advantages of the two methods is easy to control the heating temperature, electromagnetic inction heating is particularly applicable to the same specifications bearing installation mass. Flame heating method in use should pay attention to the flame can't distance parts surface too close to avoid damage parts of the surface, the operation should be along the circumference uniformly heating. In real work, the most commonly used is the oil heating method, this method is simple, does not require special tools, heating oil by non corrosive mineral oil, such as transformer oil, in the flash point of 250 ℃, installation uses the oil bath heating, see figure 13.3. Oil bath heating, the transformer oil in oil tank, the oil tank bottom is provided with a distance of 60 mm tank bottom bracket, bearing on the holder, is designed for uniform heating and prevent the heating process in the groove axial bearing pollution, put a thermometer for temperature control. Oil heating method suitable for small bearing mounting, but also to the separable or nonseparable bearings are suitable for.

Ⅱ 水洗輪的軸承座怎麼安裝


Ⅲ 軸承怎麼拆




1 拆卸安裝在圓柱形軸徑上的軸承


圖 10


Ⅳ 軸承拆卸方法





用壓力機最為簡單。此時,要注意讓內圈承受其拔力。大型軸承的內圈拆卸採用油壓法。通過設置在軸上的油孔加以油壓,以使易於拉拔。寬度大的軸承則油壓法與拉拔卡具並用,才能拆卸。NU 型、NJ 型圓柱滾子軸承的內圈拆卸可以利用感應加熱法。在短時間內加熱局部,使內圈膨脹後再拉拔的方法。






Ⅳ 軸承座和軸承怎麼安裝

問題一:軸承座的安裝步驟 一、清洗、檢查與絕緣墊板要求1、 軸瓦的清洗與檢查大型電機軸承均單獨裝箱運來,開箱後先用吊環螺絲將上瓦和下瓦分別取出作好記號並用煤油清洗,用干布擦乾並檢查所有槽溝是否干凈,有無鑄造殘留砂子,鎢金層與瓦體結合不好,劃出的溝道、裂紋存在砂眼和其它摻雜物等)。若無法修復時,則要重新掛鎢金。2、 軸承座的清洗與檢查軸承座安裝引前,也應進全面清洗檢查。將軸承座內腔用刮刀將臟物颳去,用布蘸汽油或溶劑將臟物擦凈,觀看有無裂紋及砂眼,以防止在運行中出現滲油。 軸承蓋與軸承座接合面,軸承座與軸承擋油圈結合面應進行研刮配合,並用塞尺檢查,其間隙不得大於0.03毫米。 放置軸承座的底板表面也要清理干凈,不應有碰傷、銹蝕和毛刺。緊固軸承座的螺釘及座板螺紋均要他細檢查,並試擰螺釘檢查是否過緊或禿扣。3、 軸承絕緣結構軸承和底板之間必須墊以絕緣墊板或金屬墊片,金屬墊片用來調整座水平位置。以調整該電機和相聯結的另一台電機或機械的相對位置。金屬墊片是由0.08~3毫米的金屬薄板製成。絕緣墊板是由布質層壓板或玻璃絲層壓板製成。放置絕緣墊板的目的主要是防止軸電流的危害。絕緣墊板應比軸承座每邊寬出5~10毫米,厚度為3~10毫米。 除在軸承和底板之間放置絕緣墊板之外,同時將螺釘和穩釘也應加以絕緣。絕緣墊圈用厚度2~5毫米玻璃絲布板製成,其外徑比鐵墊圈外徑大4~5毫米。與軸承座相接的油管接盤絕緣墊可用厚度為1~2毫米橡膠板製成。 絕緣的軸承座安裝後應檢查對地絕緣電阻,用500伏兆歐表測量,其阻值應不小於1兆歐。二 安裝無論是單個的電機軸承和機組的多軸承,都應當安裝在被聯接的機械主縱軸線上或者機組的縱軸線上。測量軸承中心是用掛鋼絲和線錘的方法檢查。(軸承圓弧內卡一木條,在木條中心釘一薄鐵條,標志中心位置)。調整軸在座的位置,是從最邊上的軸承座開始,用水平尺放在軸承座面上來檢查這些平面的水平度。用經緯儀或水平儀檢查幾個軸座的平面是否在同一水平面內,及用線錘等方法找正各軸承中心是否在同一軸線上如圖1─5所示。按上述方法進行軸承座的調整工作,消除偏差的過程中,應用於千斤頂式的工具來移動軸承座,切勿采有撞擊、錘打的方法。用此法調整軸承座的精度誤差約在0.5~1.0毫米之內。 應當指出:此次軸承座的安裝調整僅僅是預調,在定心時還要調整以達到軸心線一致的要求。軸承座預調好後,只是將螺釘均勻地擰緊(按對角循環擰緊),而絕緣套管和穩釘可暫時不放,等定心工作最後完成或試車前再放。 由於高溫軸承座既要符合高精度沖壓軸承座的要求,又要符合高溫沖壓軸承座的要求,因此在考慮高溫軸承座的配合和游隙時,需要顧及下面兩點:1、 從常溫升至高溫時的尺寸變化和硬度變化;2、 高速下離心力所引起的力系變化和形狀變化。高溫軸承座要求軸與座孔安裝沖壓軸承座的部位應具有高於一般要求的尺寸精度和形位精度,特別是同軸度和擋肩對座孔或軸頸的垂直度,需要注意的是,在考慮這些問題時,必須注意到高溫軸承座運轉時的高速因素和高溫因素。要求高溫軸承座在工作狀態下,即在工作溫度下有最佳的游隙,而這種游隙是在內、外圈球溝中心精確對位的狀態下形成的。同時,由於高溫軸承座力求降低相對滑動和內部摩擦,所以最好不要採用將內、外圈沿軸向相對錯位的方法來調整高溫軸承座的游隙。

問題二:外球面軸承怎麼裝到軸承座里啊? 我把拆和裝的方法,根據你提供的圖片簡單說明了一下。

問題三:軸承座怎樣才能安裝水平 軸承座都是有標准加工面的,只要保證機台安裝面的水平就行了!

問題四:帶緊定套的軸承正確安裝方法 這是NSK的圖紙您可以參考一下。詳見下圖!

問題五:軸承座的安裝步驟是怎樣的 軸承座的套圈和滾動體具有較高的加工精度,為了保證軸承座的精度、壽命和主要性能,必須採用正確的方法和步驟以及適當的工具。實踐證明,軸承座安裝不當常常是軸承早起損壞的主要原因之一。

問題六:軸承座和軸直接是怎麼固定的? 軸承在軸向的限位方式:

問題七:外球面軸承怎樣安裝到軸承座里 外球面軸承安裝時,將軸承套在軸上,先將軸承座牢固地固定在支承面上,然後將軸承緊固在軸上即可。軸承與軸的緊固方法是:對帶偏心套的外球面軸承,將偏心套套在軸承內圈的偏心台上,沿軸的旋轉方向擰緊偏心套,再用內六角螺釘扳手擰緊偏心套上的緊定螺釘即可。

問題八:軸承怎樣安裝 對無油軸承內圈與軸時緊配合、外圈軸承座孔是較松配合的非分離型軸承進行安裝時,可用壓力機將軸承先安裝在軸上,然後將軸連同軸承一起裝到軸承座孔內,若軸承較小時,也可用較軟的金屬錘輕擊套圈的端面迫使軸承到為,但敲擊力必須均勻分布於軸承套圈上。軸承外圈與軸承座孔為緊配合、內圈與軸為較松配合時,可將軸承先裝於軸上。當軸承套圈與軸或軸承座孔均是緊配合時,應用一個特製的安裝套桶同時把軸承壓到軸或軸承座上。分離型軸承的安裝由於內圈與外圈可方便地分別裝到軸或軸承座上.此時應引起注意的是將是將已經裝好內圈的軸插入已裝好外圈的軸承箱時,盡量使其保持同心,以防擦傷滾動體和滾道。當軸承尺寸較大時,由於所需的安裝力較大,或承受重負荷工作的軸承配合過盈較大因而採用冷態安裝有困難時,則需要預先將軸承內圈或軸承座加熱後再進行安裝。在熱態安裝時,應嚴格控制加熱溫度。加熱軸承時,加熱溫度最高不得超過1200C,一般應在80~1000C。帶防塵蓋或密封圈的軸承不能加熱,否則會造成潤滑劑流失。加熱方式可採用電感應佳人、油浴加熱等方法。

問題九:怎樣安裝風機的軸承座和底座 軸承座與底座應緊密接合,縱向不水平度不應超過0.2/1000,用水平儀在主軸上測量,橫向不水平底不應超過0.3/1000,用水平儀在軸承座的水平中分面上測量。




圖9-37 液壓套入法裝配錐孔軸承



圖9-38 油池加熱法




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