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發布時間:2022-09-01 13:55:17

① 英語作文:感冒應該怎麼

If you have a cold,maybe you should drink a lot of water,it is good for your illness.Of course,you can lie down and rest,too.If you do not feel well,you must go to see a doctor.The doctors will give you some good advice to feel better soon.Maybe you should take some medicine and you have to pay lots of money for them.


② 感冒了怎麼辦才好得快小妙招英語

首先要注意休息、多喝水、多吃富含維生素C的新鮮水果和蔬菜,都可以幫助人體增強免疫力。其次針對於感冒的情況對症治療,恢復鼻通氣。促進康復及恢復鼻通氣, 促使鼻腔分泌物排出, 可以用血管收縮劑, 如麻黃素滴鼻劑噴鼻。解熱鎮痛。解熱鎮痛時可服用復方阿司匹林,還可服感冒清、銀翹片等。應注意休息, 保持室內適當的溫度和濕度多喝水, 食物要富有營養, 容易消化, 保持大便通暢。
建立良好的衛生習慣, 室內要經常通風, 根據氣候變化, 隨時增減衣服。要避免著涼, 去一些公共場合要戴口罩。

③ 英語作文感冒的建議

We all get a cold from time to time, and we wonder how to get rid of it. The bad news: there is no cure . . . yet. The good news: you can prevent colds. If you do get a cold, however, you can treat the symptoms. The common cold is caused by 1 of more than 200 known viruses, so antibiotics are not effective treatments. Symptoms appear graally and include congestion, sneezing, sore throat, and sometimes a cough.

Is It a Cold or the Flu?

Once you start feeling bad, it is important to determine whether your symptoms are caused by the common cold or the flu. If you become sick quickly, have joint pain or aches, or have a high fever, chances are you have the flu, which is caused by the influenza virus. (See the Table for more information on the differences between a cold and the flu.) The best way to prevent the flu is to get a yearly flu shot. Like the common cold, there is no cure for the flu, and antibiotics are not helpful in treating the flu either. Some over-the-counter (nonprescription) procts and remedies, however, can help you feel better and make dealing with the flu or a common cold a little bit easier.

An Ounce of Prevention

Because there is no known cure for the common cold, prevention is key to keeping colds away. Most of the time, you acquire a cold virus by touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with an object that has the cold virus on it. Therefore, to help avoid catching a cold:

Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently with warm, soapy water

Sneeze into a tissue, rather than into your hands, then discard the tissue

Don?t touch your face?your hands may have come in contact with the cold virus!

Drink 8 large glasses of water daily

Exercise regularly

Quit smoking

Drink alcohol only in moderation

The Course of a Cold

Whether or not you take medicine for your symptoms, a cold will probably last about a week. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids to help with congestion, and get plenty of rest?up to 12 hours a night. Be considerate of others?you are contagious for the first 3 days that you have cold symptoms.

We've all had it: a cold with a nagging cough. So you go to the drugstore for some cough syrup.

Not so fast, suggests a new set of treatment guidelines from the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP). Taking over-the-counter (OTC) cough medicine may do no good for a cough tied to the common cold, the report states. Alts are better off taking naproxen (sold under several brand names including Aleve) or an older antihistamine that contains ingredients found in brands such as Benadryl and Chlor-Trimeton. And children shouldn't take OTC cough and cold medications at all, states the report.

The news affects millions of people who self-treat with drugs that the new report says lack evidence proving they work. About 29.5 million doctors' visits every year in the United States are e to cough, according to the ACCP. Consumers spent about $3.4 billion on cough and cold medicines in 2004, according to the Consumer Healthcare Procts Association, a trade group that represents distributors and manufacturers of OTC medicines and nutritional supplements.

But the "don't bother" advice applies only to those with coughs e to the common cold, not e to chronic conditions such as asthma or other diseases, said Richard Irwin, professor of medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School and chairman of the committee that revised the guidelines.

The report says that components of many OTC cough medicines and cough drops -- including expectorants (which thin mucus), suppressants (meant to block the cough reflex) and zinc -- were not effective. These ingredients include guaifenesin (found in Robitussin and other cough remedies) and dextromethorphan (found in Robitussin, Vicks, Triaminic, Sucrets and other drugs).

But the report also found that naproxen does quiet cough tied to the common cold.

This was surprising but welcome news to Richard Colgan, associate professor in the department of family medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore. "Many of us would not have reached for that pill for someone who is having a cough," Colgan said.

The guidelines, updated for the first time since 1998, make first-ever recommendations for children with common colds. Kids 14 and under shouldn't take OTC cough and cold medicines because they're not effective and may be harmful, states the report.

Some medications that have a sedating effect in alts, for instance, can cause a child to become dangerously hyperactive, putting them in a "situation where they're agitated and not thinking clearly [and] they could really get hurt," Irwin said.

The recommendations are based on an extensive review of published, randomized, controlled clinical trials. The panel evaluated only trials that met this gold-standard quality, Irwin said.

The recommendations also suggest alts up to age 65 get a new whooping cough vaccine. Cases of whooping cough (also known as pertussis) are increasing worldwide, Irwin said.

Older antihistamine and decongestant combinations (such as brompheniramine and pseudoephedrine) -- which can make you sleepy -- help relieve cough, even though they're not usually marketed for that purpose, states the report. But newer non-drowsy antihistamines -- such as loratadine, found in Claritin -- are ineffective at recing cough tied to the common cold, Irwin said.

People considering any of these drugs need to be aware of side effects. And anyone with high blood pressure should steer clear of decongestants, which can drive up blood pressure, unless a doctor says it's okay.

Wyeth Consumer Healthcare, maker of Robitussin, defended its procts, saying the drug has been found to be "safe and effective" by the Food and Drug Administration, said Fran Sullivan, a spokesman for the company. "Robitussin has a long history of consumer use and acceptance, and we don't believe that patients would purchase and repurchase this proct if it didn't work for them," Sullivan said.

The Consumer Healthcare Procts Association issued similar reassurances, adding that OTC cough and cold medicines "play a valuable role in helping consumers combat their cold symptoms," according to a statement from the group.

While you can't do much about the weather, here are six fundamental things you can take care of before you head out. It's about survival and making sure that you get home for tea, and both you and your bike live to ride another day.

Here』s a weather forecast: it』ll be cold and wet ring the next month or three. No, it』s not the most inviting time to be out on your bike, but with a bit of forethought and planning, you might even enjoy it…

1. Preparing bike and body
Make sure your bike is ready for winter conditions.

Have you got lights? Even in daytime, fog can make you invisible without them.
Have you changed your 『go-faster』 summer tyres for something more grippy and puncture resistant?
And what about mudguards? (For more on preparing your bike for winter, see Workshop.)
Look after yourself too, as training can rece the body』s immune system, making you more susceptible to colds and bugs. Give yourself a fighting chance by eating plenty of anti-oxidant and vitamin-rich fruit and veg. If you』re not sure you』re getting enough, take a multivitamin and mineral. (See Beat the Bugs for what to stock up on at the shops for a health-boosting diet.)

2. Don』t just pile on miles
If you』re concentrating on building up your base fitness over winter, don』t simply increase your mileage every week as you』ll struggle to keep up with the increased volume and end up ill or injured.

Try to work in four-week blocks, increasing your volume by no more than 10% each week for three weeks, and then take a recovery week where you back off by 25-50%. It』s ring the recovery period that your body will adapt to the training and you』ll become fitter.

3. Fuel properly
On long, cold, wet rides the temptation can be to just put your head down and get on with it. But there is nothing more gruelling than having a massive energy bonk and creeping home a weakened wreck. Take adequate supplies of gels, bars and energy drinks and set an alarm to go off to remind you to eat/drink them. Try one of the carbohydrate/protein mix drinks, as recent studies have shown them to be more effective ring prolonged lower intensity efforts.

4. Plan your return
Getting into a good recovery routine is key to a successful winter. Either have a recovery drink made up and ready to go in the fridge or take it out with you and start sipping ring the final 10-20 minutes of your ride.

Go for a quick shower rather than a long soak (you can always wallow later), get some warm, dry and comfortable clothes on and spend 10-20 minutes stretching. Consider investing in a pair of compression tights to aid recovery.

Once fuelled, clean, warm and stretched, turn your attention to your bike. At the very least give it an all-over rinse to clean off the worst of the muck and salt and then run your chain through a rag and re-lube.

5. Be sensible
Yes, there is a perverse pleasure and deep virtuous glow to be had from battling against the elements but sometimes discretion is the better part of valour. Try to think from a driver』s perspective and, if they』re struggling to see or stay on the road, they』ll struggle to see or avoid you.

Also, skinny tyres and icy roads can be a lethal combination so keep an eye on the thermometer and beware. If in doubt, err on the side of caution and hit the turbo or the gym.

6. Don』t be weight obsessed
Winter is not the time to be at your racing snake leanest. Having too low a body fat percentage will mean you chill easier when out and you』ll be more susceptible to illness. While I』m not suggesting you opt for a Black Forest gateaux bloat, carrying a few extra pounds is no bad thing and the excess will drop off as training intensity increases in the spring.

④ 家庭感冒小妙招英語作文

Experts suggest that in peacetime should pay attention to indoor ventilation windows to keep the air fresh, seasonal rection in popular outdoor activities of the group, the elderly, the infirm and children to be as much as possible to avoid crowded public places, and vinegar can be carried out fumigation of indoor air Disinfection. Influenza vaccination is the best way to prevent influenza is the world's most effective against influenza, the most economic measures. People over the age of 60, the chronically ill and infirm; infants and young children and students; health care; public transportation, commerce, services and personnel to focus more units of staff; organs, enterprises and institutions, such as the more important staff positions are vaccines The focus against the crowd, should be popular in the pre-season influenza vaccination in a timely manner.
1. Personal Protective I, nasal wash method: a vinegar plus water sub-equivalent of a hybrid, to be warm in the mouth and throat with the Department of
Rinse, and then use the remaining vinegar nasal wash, a day earlier, the first night, the prevalence of MS ring the 5 days.
2.Space disinfection method: This method is suitable for family housing, a vinegar and water will be a hybrid, into the spray,
On the evening of rest before the doors and windows closed after spraying disinfectant. Or building new housing in every cubic meter of space to spray the original 2-5 ml vinegar,
Old-fashioned housing by 50-100 per milliliter is appropriate, disinfected once a day, spray a total of 3 times in a serious epidemic or the family has
Appear patient, the amount of vinegar should be increased to 150-250 ml per room.

⑤ 在中國當你感冒了。你該怎麼做。英語作文。寫三個解決方法。最好寫長點

When we get sick in China, first of all, we'll eat some targeted drugs, then, we will try to let oneself drink more water, finally, is to pay more attention to, to ensure that they can better as soon as possible!

⑥ 用英語表達出來:有人感冒,發燒的處理方法有

drink hot water with honey
take some medicine


⑦ 用英語寫出感冒的治療

or feel very uncomfortable drink some hot water,see the docter,take some madicine or stay in bed for a few days.



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