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發布時間:2023-07-10 21:09:43

1. 用英語寫出三種節約用水的方法

  1. after washing the vegetables, use the water to water the flowers

  2. switch the tap in time when we don't use the water

  3. use the water that we've washed our hands to wash the toilet

2. 用英語節約用水的方法有哪些



3. 求三種節約用水的方法,用英語寫。

Wash clothes, wash concentration, rece the number of laundry; Small, a small amount of clothing advocates the hand washing; Wash adjust on the right amount

Multi-purpose monohydrate as far as possible. Use rice water to wash bowl chopsticks, use water to wash the dishes, laundry water, wash dishes of water used to water the flowers, wash the car, wash a face with water after can wash feet, then flush the toilet


Faucet leakage phenomenon, more often than not available with penicillin cut a small pharmaceutical rubber cover gasket is the same as the original one in, can ensure watertight




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