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發布時間:2022-12-30 15:55:26

A. 節水方法,用英語表達,3條

1. Turn off the water tap when you leave.
2. Washing clothes manually instead of washing machine.
(換小學生的話:Washing clothes by hand instead of by machine.)
3. Collect the rainning water when raining.
4. Do not play water for fun.
5. Choose the equipment labeled 'water saving'.
6. Rece the times having bath.

B. 用英語寫節水的方法10個如題 謝謝了

1. economize on water; save on water 節約用水 2. Conservation of water is of great importance. 節約用水非常重要。 3. We must economize on water. 我們必須節約用水。 4. The government is appealing to everyone to save water. 政府號召大家節約用水。 5. Please economize the water, thanks for cooperation! 請節約用水謝謝合作! 6. Saving water is to cherish life. 節約用水就是珍惜生命。 7. The power enterprises shall economize on water. 電力企業應當節約用水。 8. Everyone has the accountability to save water and to propagate the concept of treasuring water. 每個人都有責任節約用水,並宣傳節約用水。 9. We have to economize on water ring the dry season 我們在旱季不得不節約用水 10. We must conserve water ring the drought. 乾旱期間我們必須節約用水。

C. 用英語節約用水的方法有哪些





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