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發布時間:2022-11-02 23:33:09

① 你認為當我們遇到挑戰時我們應該怎麼做英語答案

When I meet some challenges, I will face them easily, thinking about the solutions to solve the problems actively.

② 保持樂觀心態,自信應對挑戰,調整學習方法,制定合理計劃等 翻譯成英語

Keep optimistic attitude, self-confidence challenges, adjust the learning method, make reasonable plan, etc

③ 應對新的挑戰,用英語怎麼說

New Challenge


④ 應對挑戰用英語怎麼說

face the challenges
tackle the challenges
cope with the challenges
respond to the challenge
deal with challenge
tackling the challenge
wrestling with challenge

⑤ 『面對這些挑戰』的英文拼寫

to face on these challenges.

⑥ 用英語來回答原因、面臨的挑戰和解決方法

原因:The reason why .......is that....
面臨的挑戰:We have to face that..../We have to see that..../We have to realize that...
解決方法:The best solution to the problems is..../In my opinon,we can...../


⑦ 「我們應該以積極的方式面對挑戰,而不要總是發牢騷」翻譯成英文雜寫

「我們應該以積極的方式面對挑戰,而不要總是發牢騷」We should adopt a positive way to face challenges, and don't always complain

⑧ 這是我面對的挑戰並且我要解決它用英語怎麼說

This is a challenge i have to face and i am going to solve it.



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