A. 西紅柿炒雞蛋的做法用英語表示
1、Prepare 2 tomatoes,4 eggs,3 grams of salt,3 grams of sugar and 5 scallions.
准備好番茄2個,雞蛋4個,鹽3克,白糖3克,蔥5根。2、Cut tomatoes into small pieces and onions into minced onions.
將番茄切成小塊狀,蔥切成蔥末。3、Beat the eggs in abowl,add a little salt,and scatter the eggs.
將雞蛋打在碗中,加少許鹽,打散雞蛋。4、Pour oil into a dry pan and pour eggjuiceinto it when it is 50%hot.干鍋倒入油,燒至五成熱的時候倒入雞蛋液。5、Stir-fry the eggs quickly until the egg liquid solidifies.Turn to a small fire and put them in reserve.
迅速翻炒雞蛋,等到蛋液凝固,改小火,然後盛起來備用。6、Wash the pot and dry it.Turn on the fire and pour in the oil.Pour in the cut tomatoes when 50%is hot.
鍋洗干凈後擦乾,開火倒油,五成熱的時候倒入切好的番茄。7、When tomatoes are fried to the soup,add a little sugar to taste and a little salt.番茄炒到有湯汁的時候加少許白糖提味,再加少許鹽。8、Stir-fry for a while,then pour in the eggs that have been fried before.
翻炒一會後,倒入之前炒好的雞蛋。9、Stir-fry the eggs and tomatoes,wait for the eggs to absorb the tomato soup,add onions.
翻炒雞蛋和番茄,等雞蛋吸收了番茄的湯汁,加入蔥末。10、After several times of stir-frying,turn off the hot pot and put it into the plate,so that the tomato scrambled eggs are finished.
B. 用英文介紹西紅柿炒雞蛋的做法
1、First of all , you need to prepare two tomatoes and two eggs,These are the main ingredient of this dish
2、And then, remove the stalk from the tomatoes, cut them into pieces
3、Next , break up eggs,stir and make it mixed evenly
4、After that ,put some oil into the pan ,pour the egg mixture after oil heating-up
5、Later,stir-fry and cut into small pieces by trunerAfter completion,bring it out and wait us back use
6、Now we need deal tomatoes Pour in a little oil and put tomatoes into the pan,cook it
7、When we see tomatoes getting soft , change it into a small fire , add proper salts and sugars,continue cooking
8、Last ,mix eggs with tomatoes uniformity , turn off the firea delicious dish was finished
C. 請幫忙翻譯一下西紅柿炒雞蛋的製作步驟(英語)
The proction process of scrambled eggs with tomatoes:
Wash the tomatoes and cut them into pieces and put them on the plate.
This dish is sour, sweet, delicious and nutritious. It's also the first very simple beauty dish for women, so I like it very much.
D. 急 英語表達雞蛋的做法的英譯漢sunny-side up、over easy 分數會追加
E. 請教:番茄雞蛋的做法(英文版)
番茄炒雞蛋(英文名:Scrambled eggs with tomatoes)
Tomato scrambled eggs raw materials:
3 eggs, 150 grams tomatoes, 4 tablespoons vegetable oil, salt, monosodium glutamate the amount of one tablespoon of sugar.
Proction process:
1, will be washed tomatoes in boiling water for hot look after, peeled, untiringly, slice READY.
2, the eggs into the bowl, salt, whipping with chopsticks full uniform stand.
3, add 3 tablespoons of oil released fry, Add the eggs pot stand out炒熟Sheng.
4 Heat the remaining oil, stir fried chip under the tomatoes, salt, sugar speculation moment, stir eggs into a few出鍋accompli.
此菜frying, it is necessary to旺火crash. Although this dish is the most common dishes, but speculation of a known good or bad. This is really a cooking technique. Eggs can add water to make starch爽滑eggs taste better.
F. 怎樣用英語表達中式烹飪方法
G. 有哪些是雞蛋烹調法的英文
松花蛋 preserved eggs。
燒椒皮蛋 Preserved Eggs with Chili。
薑汁皮蛋 Preserved Eggs in Ginger Sauce。
皮蛋豆腐 Tofu with Preserved Eggs。
三色中卷 Squid Rolls Stuffed with Bean, Ham and Egg Yolk。
烏龍吐珠 Sea Cucumber with Quail Eggs。
蛋黃涼瓜 Bitter Melon with Egg Yolk。
龍眼風味腸 Sausage Stuffed with Salty Egg。
木耳肉片 Sautéed Sliced Pork with Black Fungus and Eggs。
台式蛋黃肉 Steamed Pork with Salted Egg Yolk, Taiwan Style。
蛋煎豬腦 Scrambled Eggs with Pig Brains。
蛋黃獅子頭 Stewed Meat Ball with Egg Yolk。
清蛋牛肉 Fried Beef with Scrambled Eggs。
芙蓉雞片 Sautéed Sliced Chicken in Egg White。
鳳眼秋波鴨包 Deep-Fried Duck Rolls and Quail Eggs。
蛋酥樟茶鴨 Fried Smoked Duck with Egg Crust。
咸鴨蛋 Salted Duck Egg。
鹵蛋 Marinated Egg。
煮雞蛋 Boiled Egg。
糟蛋 Egg Preserved in Rice Wine。
荷包蛋 Poached Egg。
煎蛋 Fried Eggs。
香椿煎蛋 Fried Eggs with Chopped Chinese Toon Leaves。
蟹肉芙蓉蛋 Crab Meat with Egg White。
蝦醬炒雞蛋 Scrambled Eggs with Shrimp Paste。
韭菜炒雞蛋 Scrambled Eggs with Chinese Chives。
蔥花炒雞蛋 Scrambled Eggs with Scallion。
蛤蜊蒸蛋 Steamed Egg with Clams。
雞肝炒蛋 Scrambled Eggs with Chicken Liver。
白菌炒蛋 Scrambled Eggs with Mushroom。
火腿炒蛋 Scrambled Eggs with Ham。
燕窩鴿蛋 Bird』s Nest with Pigeon Eggs。
H. 煮雞蛋的全過程用英語表述
1、Put the egg into the pot and let cold water over eggs.
I. 怎樣用英語表達中式烹飪方法,例如烹 炸 炒 蒸 煎 煮等
1. 炒(stir-frying),是指鍋內放油、油燒熟,下生料炒熟。「然而『炒蛋』的英語卻是scrambled egg,不譯fried egg。」
2. 煎(pan-frying),即在鍋內放上少量的油,待油達到一定溫度後將菜料放入鍋內進行短時間的烹煮,如煎雞蛋(pan-fried egg)。
3. 爆(quick-frying),是旺火熱油,原料下鍋後快速操作。要求刀工處理粗細一致,烹前備好調味品,動作要麻利迅速。如爆大蝦(quick-fried shrimps)。
4. 炸(deep-frying), 將主料掛糊或不掛糊下熱油鍋,由生炸熟的方法,外焦里嫩。如五香炸雞翅(deep-fried chicken wing with spicy flavour)。如再細分,還可分為干炸(dry deep-frying),軟炸(soft deep-frying)和酥炸(crisp deep-frying)。
5. 燒(braising),是先將主料用油炸過或用火焯過,再加上輔料,兌入湯汁煨至熟爛的方法。「用醬油來燒,叫紅燒——braising with soy sauce,」[4](P34)或braising in brown sauce。
6. 煮(boiling),指在鍋里放入水或有調料的沸湯,將鍋放在慢火上燒,再放入菜餚,時間可長可短,由事物的品種和食者口味而定。「煮還可分速煮(instant boiling),北方的涮羊肉instant boiled mutton,廣東的『打邊爐』chafing dish也屬此類,和快煮(quick boiling)。」
7. 蒸(steaming),是將生料或半熟原料,加調料調味後上籠屜蒸熟的方法。如荷葉粉蒸肉(steamed flour-coated pork wrapped in lotus leaves)。
8. 煲/燉/煨/燜/鹵(simmering/stewing),這五種烹調方法基本相同,都是將食物放在水、湯或汁之中,用文火慢慢加熱,用火時間一般較長,如燉栗子雞(stewed chicken with chestnuts),煨牛肉(simmered beef)。「在水中煲是stewing in water,將食物放在水中煲,如廣東肇慶的『劍花豬肉湯』譯為stewed port soup with crab cactus flowers。隔水燉是stewing out of water,用於燉補品。淮杞燉生魚是stewed snakehead fish with Chinese yam and fruits of Chinese wolfberry。倘若放進味汁里煮,那就是『鹵』-—stewing in gravy 了。」
9. 熏(smoking),通常是將宰殺後的禽肉野味,用調料香料調制後,用特殊的樹木柴禾熏烤而熟,這種菜餚往往具有獨特風味。如熏山雞(smoked pheasant)。
10. 「烘烤鐵燒:鐵燒(broiling或grilling)是將食物放在鐵板或鐵架上用明火烤。燒烤(roasting)是在火上,火前或在鐵架上燒。烘(baking)指將食物放在密閉的烘爐里或鐵板或鐵架上用明火烤,食物與火不直接接觸。澆油燒(basting)是指在食物燒烤過程中不時澆淋調味油,以防烤焦。要知道這些烹調方法的味道,不妨嘗一嘗奶油燒魚柳(grilled fish with butter sauce),鐵燒牛扒(grilled beefsteak),燒乳豬(roast suckling pig)。」
11. 白灼(scalding或blanshing),將食物放在沸水中燙熟,然後取出再放佐料或用熱鍋炒。此法主要用於新鮮海味,如白灼海螺片(scalded sliced conch)
J. 關於 如何做雞蛋的步驟 英語
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