A. 固體生物質燃料檢驗方法的標准
固體生物質顆粒燃料(BiomassMouldingFuel,簡稱"BMF"),是將秸稈、稻草、 稻殼 、 花生殼 、 玉米芯 、油茶殼、 棉籽殼 等「三剩物」作為原材料,經過粉碎、混合、擠壓、烘乾等工藝,製成各種成型(如塊狀、顆粒狀等)的,可直接燃燒的一種新型清潔燃料。其與煤性質相同,是可供各種燃燒機、生物質鍋爐、熔解爐、生物質發電等的高效、可再生、環保生物質燃料,此種燃料在國際認證為零污染燃料。生物質顆粒的直徑一般為6~10毫米,干基含水量小於10%~15%。
B. 怎樣識別木炭質量優劣
木炭質量有很多理化指標,比如含水率 ,揮發分率,灰分率,含碳量 ,發熱量等等,不過一般家庭使用時,僅從外觀上鑒別就可以了。好的木炭質地緊密,有金屬光澤,重量較重,兩塊木炭互相敲擊時能發出清脆的聲音,符合這幾個條件,就是比較好的木炭了。
C. 木炭怎麼樣測含水量。俗稱黑炭。土窯燒出來的那種,,怎麼樣能測量出含水量
D. 求! 國標GB/T 17664-1999《木炭和木炭的試驗方法》
Annex I
Bamboo Charcoal
Quality and Technique Supervision Bureau of Zhejiang Province puts this standard forward.
This standard comes under Zhejiang Forest Bureau.
This standard is drafted out by the following: Quality and Technique Supervision Bureau of Suichang County; Bamboo Charcoal and Vinegar Association Suichang County; Suichang Wenzhao Bamboo Charcoal Co. Ltd; Suichang Bamboo Charcoal Mill.
Draftsmen: WANG Dongwei, CHEN wenzhao. ZHANG Wenbiao, LI Jinming. FU Qiuhua, WANG Weilong.
JIANG Shenxue translated the text into Englis from Chinese.
Bamboo Charcoal
1. Scope
This standard covers terms and their definition, classification and tagging, quality requirement, testing methods, inspection rule, labeling and packing
This standard is suitable for the bamboo charcoal made from bamboo culms via pyrolysis.
2. Referenced Documents
The terms listed in following documents will be the same in this standard via quote. Any revised new editions in following dated documents are not applicable to this standard unless all drawing partners agree to apply new ones.
GB/T 12496.7-1999, pH Value Measurement described in Wood Active Charcoal Testing Method.
GB/T 12496.13-1999, Measurement of Non-carbonized Substance depicted in Wood Active Charcoal Test Method.
GB.T 17664-1999, Wood Charcoal and Test Method
[Commodity Computation Supervision Regulation On Ration packing] issued by National Technique Supervision Bureau, No 43 (1995).
3. Terms and Definition
Following terms and definitions are applicable to this standard
3.1 Bamboo Charcoal
A solid proct made from bamboo culms by pyrolyzing.
3.2 Round Charcoal
A sort of bamboo charcoal presenting a round shape on its transect.
3.3 Slice Charcoal
A bamboo charcoal showing arc transects.
3.4 Broken Charcoal
A sort of bamboo charcoal broken and characterized as abnormity shape and size
3.5 Particle Charcoal
A bamboo charcoal featured a particle configuration.
3.6 Powder Charcoal
A bamboo charcoal featured powder.
4. Classification and labeling
4.1 Classification
4.1.1 According to Quality
Bamboo charcoal is classified into first and regular grades.
4.1.2 According to shape
Bamboo charcoal is figured as round, slice, broken, particle, and powder
4.1.3 According to Dimension
Bamboo charcoal is classified into different specifications.
4.2 Tagging
Bamboo charcoal can be tagged according to the method showed in Table 1.
Table 1 Classification and Labeling Method of Bamboo Charcoal
Shape Dimension Tagging method
Round charcoal (TT) d × h (d-outer diameter; h-highness, unit: mm) TT d × h
Slice charcoal (PT) a × b (a-length; b-width, unit: mm) PT a × b
Broken charcoal (ST) No size labeling ST
Particle charcoal (LT) d (d-diameter, unit: mm) LT d
Powder charcoal (FT) d (d-diameter, unit: μm) FT d
5. Quality Requirements
5.1 Perceiving and Appearance
Bamboo charcoal must be clean, having no strange smell, no pollution and no impurity. The metal-like luster should give off on the transverse section of round and slice charcoal
5.2 Net weight Variation
Net weight variation of bamboo charcoal should accord with the requirement in Commodity Computation Supervision Regulation On Ration packing issued by National Technique Supervision Bureau, No 43 (1995).
5.3 Specifications
Specifications of bamboo charcoal should accord with the requirement in Commodity Computation Supervision Regulation On Ration packing issued by National Technique Supervision Bureau, No 43 (1995) or be implemented according to the term in the agreement that has been made.
5.4 physical and Chemical Indexes
Physical and chemical indexes of bamboo charcoal should accord with the requirement showed in Table 2 or be implemented according to the agreement that has been made.
Table 2 Physical and Chemical Indexes of Bamboo Charcoal
Items Targets
1st grade Regulation grade
Moisture (%) ≤8.5 ≤12.0
Ash (%) ≤3.0 ≤4.5
Volatile matter (%) ≤10.0 ≤20.0
Fixed carbon (%) ≥85.0 ≥75.0
PH value ≥7.5 ≥7.0
No-carbonized matter Eligibility Eligibity
6. Test Methods
6.1 Perceiving and Appearance
The samples of bamboo charcoal are laid on a sheet of white paper that is under sufficient light at first. We then can observe and make determination with eyes and noses. For round and slice bamboo charcoal, we must break them to observe if they shine metal-like luster.
6.2 Net weight
Net weight should accord with the prescripts in Commodity Computation Supervision Regulation On Ration Packing issued by National Technique Supervision Bureau, No 43 (1995).
6.3 Dimension
For round and slice charcoal, a steel rule or vernier caliper is used to measure their dimension. A vernier caliper or standard sieve is used to measure particle charcoal. A standard sieve is used to measure the dimension of powder charcoal.
6.4 Moisture Measurement
The moisture in bamboo charcoal is measured according to the method described in GB/T 17664-1999.
6.5 Volatile Matter Measurement
The volatile matter in bamboo charcoal is determined by using the measuring method in GB/T 17664-1999.
6.7 Fixed Carbon Measurement
The fixed carbon in bamboo charcoal is measured complying with the method described in GB/T 17664-1999.
6.8 pH Value Measurement
Put a proper amount of bamboo charcoal sample into a bow and grind it into fine powder. Then determine the pH value by using the method described in GB/T12496.7-1999.
6.9 Non-carbonized Matter Measurement
Measuring non-carbonized matter in bamboo charcoal must accord with the method described in GB/T12496.13-1999.
7. Checking regulation
7.1 Batch and Group Regulation and Sample Method
7.1.1 Batch and Group Regulation
The proct proced in one day or one shift is counted as a batch if the raw material and procere are basically consistent. Sampling must do in batch order.
7.1.2 Sampling Method
Take samples complying with total packages of each batch for packing procts. Sample randomly 3 from first 100 packages and subsequently take one from 100 (including less then 100). If being in bulk, 3% of proct amount should be sampled. More than 200 grams must be sampled for each batch at least. After mixing all samples, they then are separated into 4. Each is enclosed into a clean ground bottle and labeled. The contents of the label include the following: name, serial number, procer, type, batch number, grade, sampling date, and the person who sampled.
Four samples are used for inspecting appearance and dimensions, moisture, physical and chemical properties, and store for sparing respectively.
7.2 Inspection
It includes leaving mill and format inspection.
7.2.1 Leaving mill inspection
Each batch of proct must implement leaving mill inspection. This can either be executed by the quality control branch of a mill or by an authoritative inspection agency consigned by the mill. The inspection items should include appearance, moisture, dimension, net weight variation, and pH value at least because they are able to present major quality indexes correctly. The proct checked out will get a certificate and subsequently move into storehouse or leave mill.
7.2.2 Format Inspection
Format inspection must be implemented if the following situations occur (format inspection covers all items of this standard):
a) Resume proction after stopping for a long time.
b) Change raw material or major process, which might affect proct quality.
c) National quality and inspection organization put forward format inspection demand.
d) The situation of leaving mill inspection shows distinct variation comparing with last format inspection.
e) In normal proction, annual format inspection must be done at least
7.3 Determination Regulation
If one item in the inspection result does not meet the requirement of this standard, a double sample amount should be taken and re-inspected. If unqualified still, this batch of procts is estimated as a reject.
8. Symbol, Label, and Packing
8.1 Symbol and Label
The symbol or label of a proct must cover the following items: name and brand, type and specs, net weight, standard complied with, proction date, grade, name of company, procing area, company address, etc.
8.2 Packing
Proct packing should be firm, clean, moistureproof and the proct should be arranged tidily in the packing case. The packing material, specifications, net weight etc. of a batch of procts should be consistent. Packing can abide by the term of the agreement that has been made.
E. 根據gb/t50123-1999的規定 採用什麼方法測定含水率時直接測定其含水率
F. 木炭檢測方法
G. 活性炭吸附水份多少計算公式
H. 煤炭的水分含量需要化驗嗎
所需器皿:大稱量瓶 電子天平 乾燥箱化驗方法和公式如下:
I. 國家標准木質活性炭中水分的測定
GB/T 12496.1-1999 木質活性炭試驗方法 表觀密度的測定 50KB
GBT 12496.1-1999 木質活性炭試驗方法 表觀密度的測定.pdf
GB/T 20450-2006活性炭著火點測試方法 (單行本完整清晰掃描版)
GB/T 20449-2006活性炭丁烷工作容量測試方法 (單行本完整清晰掃描版)
GB/T 20451-2006 活性炭球盤法強度測試方法 (單行本完整掃描版)
LY/T 1616-2004 活性炭水萃取液電導率測定方法
GB/T 7702.6-1997 煤炭顆粒活性炭試驗方法 亞甲藍吸附值的測定
GB/T 12496.9-1999木質活性炭試驗方法焦糖脫色率的測定
GB/T 12496.9-1990木製活性炭檢驗方法氯含量
GB/T 12496.8-1999木質活性炭試驗方法碘吸附值的測定
GB/T 12496.8-1990木製活性炭檢驗方法鐵含量
GB/T 12496.7-1999木質活性炭試驗方法pH值的測定
GB/T 12496.7-1990木製活性炭檢驗方法碘吸附值
GB/T 12496.6-1999木質活性炭試驗方法強度的測定
GB/T 12496.5-1999木質活性炭試驗方法四氧化碳吸附率(活性)的測定
GB/T 12496.4-1999木質活性炭試驗方法水分含量的測定
GB/T 12496.4-1990木製活性炭檢驗方法乙酸鋅吸附值
GB/T 12496.3-1999木質活性炭試驗方法灰分含量的測定
GB/T 12496.3-1990木製活性炭檢驗方法乙酸吸附值
GB/T 12496.22-1999木質活性炭試驗方法重金屬的測定
GB/T 12496.22-1990木製活性炭檢驗方法強度測定
GB/T 12496.2-1999木質活性炭試驗方法粒度分布的測定
GB/T 12496.2-1990木製活性炭檢驗方法亞甲基藍脫色力
GB/T 12496.21-1999木質活性炭試驗方法鈣鎂含量的測定
GB/T 12496.20-1999木質活性炭試驗方法鋅含量的測定
GB/T 12496.19-1999木質活性炭試驗方法鐵含量的測定
GB/T 12496.19-1990木製活性炭檢驗方法粒度
GB/T 12496.18-1999木質活性炭試驗方法酸溶物的測定
GB/T 12496.18-1990木製活性炭檢驗方法充填密度
GB/T 12496.17-1999木質活性炭試驗方法硫酸鹽的測定
GB/T 12496.16-1999木質活性炭試驗方法氮化物的測定
GB/T 12496.16-1990木製活性炭檢驗方法氰化物含量
GB/T 12496.15-1999木質活性炭試驗方法硫化物的測定
GB/T 12496.14-1999木質活性炭試驗方法氰化物的測定
GB/T 12496.13-1999木質活性炭試驗方法未炭化物的測定
GB/T 12496.12-1999木質活性炭試驗方法苯酚吸附值的測定
GB/T 12496.11-1999木質活性炭試驗方法硫酸奎寧吸附值的測定
GB/T 12496.10-1999木質活性炭試驗方法亞甲基藍吸附值的測定