導航:首頁 > 解決方法 > 翻譯簡單的方法


發布時間:2022-02-11 23:11:52

A. 最簡單的翻譯

小學 Primary school
初中 Junior school
高中 Senior school
中學 Middle school
大學 College/university

B. 翻譯下~簡單~

On the other hand, the increase of the price of petrol can change people' lifestyle and make most people prefer the bycicle, bus or the subway to the car when they go out.

C. 簡單的翻譯不要太簡單


D. 簡單的英語翻譯!~


E. 用最簡單而且正確的方法幫我翻譯這些句子

1.Around the problem a lot people may choose the countryside,instead,I prefer the city
2.we surely want to head for the countryside ,there is fresh air ,quiet atmosphere and simple folkways
3.That is the reasons following why I choose the city
4.I have been living here since my birth
5.Here live my friends and my family,I want to stay with them
6.I like such a busy city which is around by lights
7.However,there are no such things in the countryside
8.I think the city life fits more for me
9.so I choose to live in the city
10.I will find my own "sky"in the din of the city

F. 翻譯(簡單)


G. 翻譯英語課文有什麼簡單的方法嗎


H. 簡單翻譯

the area of the house is 25 square meters

I. 簡單的翻譯

Affaire merveilleuse, l'affaire magique, chaque jour, chaque nuit, nous tous jouons un rǒle différent



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