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『壹』 黃驊港海區情況和浮游動物種類

分析了 1 995年 1 0月黃驊港一期工程疏浚物傾倒預選區浮游生物調查樣品和資料。結果表明 ,調查區的浮游植物是以圓篩藻 (Coscinodiscusspp .)等為優勢種的近岸廣溫生態群 ,浮游動物是以強壯箭蟲 ( Sagittacrassa)等為優勢種的近岸低鹽生態群 ,且浮游生物的種類和數量都很豐富。文中還對疏浚施工提出了加強對疏浚船隻傾倒到位率監督 ,根據海洋生物繁殖季節調整疏浚活動等措施 ,以最大限度地減小因疏浚施工對生態環境造成的危害。
浮游生物是海洋生物生產力的主要生產者 ,在生態系統能量流動和物質循環中起著關鍵作用。許多研究表明 ,某一海區浮游生物一旦受到污染損害 ,往往會破壞這一區域的海洋食物鏈 ,進而危及整個生態系統。因此 ,在進行大型海洋工程建設過程中 ,應盡量減少對施工海區浮游生物的危害

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Plankton Community Structure of the Proposed Dredged Matter Dumping Zone of Huanghua Harbor Phase Ⅰ Project
WANG Lijun 1;CHEN Weibin 1;LI Chongde 2 1. National Marine Enviornmental Monitoring Center;Dalian 116023;China 2. North Sea Monitoring Center;SOA;Qing 266034;China
In this article, analysis is made of the plankton data, obtained in Oct. 1995 for the proposed dredged material mping zone of Huanhua harbor phase I project. The results show that the phytoplankton is a community which is dominantly composed of Coscinodiscuss spp. et al., the zooplankton is one dominantly composed of Sagitta crassa et al., and moreover, the plankton are rich in species and quantity. Also proposed in this article are the measures for monitoring the correct mping sites of dredgers and adjusting the dredging according to the reproctive seasons of marine organisms, so as to minimize the harm done to the ecological environment by dredging.
【Keyword】:Huanghua Harbor;dredged matter;plankton



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