A. 英語閱讀:改善情緒的10種方法
摘要:日常生產力和效率實際上取決於你的心情。 往往,快樂的人能更有效地工作,有更好的人際關系。 當然,偶爾的悲傷也是正常的,但有時一連幾天焦慮就會讓你備受煎熬。
Everyday proctivity and efficiency practicallydepend on how you feel. More often than not, happypeople are more effective at work and have betterrelationships. Of course, it is normal to be sad every once in a while, but there are days thatanxiety gets the better of you. It is ring these times where stress and anxiety attacksaffect your normal course of life. You find it difficult to get things done or even at least getthrough the day. If you ever have a bad day, here are some ways of lifting your spirits andgetting you back on track.
1. Try to socialize. Go out with a friend for a walk, a cup of coffee or a lunch date. You need notdiscuss your problems at all. Sometimes all you need is a good laugh to get you going again.
日常生產力和效率實際上取決於你的心情。 往往,快樂的人能更有效地工作,有更好的人際關系。 當然,偶爾的悲傷也是正常的,但有時一連幾天焦慮就會讓你備受煎熬。 正是在這種時候,壓力和焦慮會影響你的日常生活。 你會感到很難把事情做好,甚至度日如年。 如果你有一天感覺不爽,以下有一些 方法 能讓你改善情緒,重回正常生活。
1. 多與他人交往。和朋友出去散散步,喝杯咖啡或吃一頓午餐。 你根本就不需要討論你的問題。 有時你只需要好好大笑一場,恢復正常情緒。
2. Get some relaxation time. This is one of the most obvious solutions for anxiety. Too muchtension in your body affects your mood. Try to be calm. Learn proper breathing, observegood posture, and practice muscle relaxation techniques. These are most helpful in recingstress.
2. 抽時間徹底放鬆一下。這是解決焦慮問題的一個最有效辦法。 太多的身體壓力會影響你的情緒。 盡量保持冷靜。 學會正確呼吸,調整好姿勢,並練習肌肉放鬆技巧。 這些方法對減少壓力最有幫助。
3. Exercise on your free time. Some people find it more relaxing when they exert physically. Goout for some brisk walking or ride a bike. There is no need for a structured gym routine; whatis important is that you keep on moving.
3. 空閑時間多運動。有些人覺得身體運動時心情會更放鬆。 出去做一些快步走或騎自行車。 不需要進行按部就班的健身活動;重要的是你要經常活動。
4. Play and have fun. You can use the things that you love to do to your advantage. Go out toplay fetch with your dog or go for a round of your favorite video game. The perfect way toshake off the blues is to find amusement.
4. 游戲尋開心。你可以用自己喜歡做的事情取悅自己。 出去跟你的狗狗瘋玩或玩一輪自己最喜歡的視頻游戲。 擺脫抑鬱的最佳方式就是找樂子。
5. Read a good book. Reading is always a perfect way of getting your mind off things. Just finda cozy spot where you can enjoy silently. Feel refreshed or even inspired after a good read.
5. 讀一本好書。閱讀永遠是你忘記煩惱的一個完美方式。 只要找一個可以默默地享受自己的舒適地點。 好好讀一番,就會感覺神清氣爽,甚至靈感回歸。
6. Do chores. Who says you cannot beat counter-proctivity with proctivity? Clean upyour room, do the laundry, or even cook a meal. Not only would you find doing chores a sweetescape, getting them done is an accomplishment.
6. 做家務。誰說生產力不能擊敗反生產力? 清理你的房間,洗衣服,甚至是做飯。 你不僅會發現做家務是一件擺脫煩惱的愜意事,而且做完家務還有一種成就感。
7. Do charity work. You can devote some of your time and money to the needy by donating orvolunteering in a charitable institution. What you give can make a big difference to otherpeople’s lives. At the same time, you get a sense of fulfillment by doing your part in helpingsociety. Such reasons alone are something to be happy about, but more so, charity donationsare most of the time tax-dectible.
7. 做慈善工作。你可以通過捐贈或在慈善機構做義工把自己的一些時間和金錢奉獻給那些需要的人。 你的奉獻能給他人生活帶來很大影響。 同時,在幫助社會過程中盡一己之力也會讓你獲得一種滿足感。 這樣的原因本身就值得高興,更何況,慈善捐贈大多時均為免稅之舉。
8. Take a shower. Literally, cool down. You would feel actually refreshed and rejuvenated aftergetting cleaned-up, not only physically but also psychologically. More or less, you would feellike you are taking on the day with a fresh start. Now, that is one way of tricking yourself intothe mood.
8. 洗個澡。確切的說,冷靜下來。 洗干凈後,你就會覺得真的精神振作、充滿活力,不僅身體上而且心理上亦是如此。 或多或少,你會覺得你以一個嶄新開始迎接這一天。 看看,這可是一種調整自己心情的好方法。
9. Cultivate intimate relationships. Have a good chat with a loved one. Just talk about how yourday went to lighten up your mood. A good hug or a pat on the back from people you careabout are one of the best comforts that would get you through rough days.
9. 培育親密關系。和你愛的人暢聊一番。 只是談論你的一天是如何放鬆自己的情緒。自己關心的人給你一個溫暖擁抱或拍拍你的背都是一種最好的安慰,幫你度過苦日子。
10. Give time to contemplate. Sometimes, you just have to think over what is eating you up.Ask yourself what is bothering you and acknowledge such thoughts or beliefs that areassociated with such negative feelings. Once you have done that, you might be able to changeor get rid of such unhealthy fears and thoughts. Part of coping with anxiety is understandinganxiety itself.
10. 留出時間思考。有時,你還真的要仔細考慮到底是什麼讓你煩惱不安。 問問你自己是什麼讓你感到困擾並找出與負面情緒相關的此類想法或觀念。 一旦你這樣做了,或許你就能改變或擺脫這種不健康的恐懼和想法。 要解決焦慮問題就必須先知道焦慮的根源。
Being an efficient and happy person can be as simple as knowing how to take care of youremotional well being. Whenever you feel down, turn on to habits or activities that ease anxietyor take your mind off things for a while. There are a lot of ways of improving your mood andde-stressing. It is just a matter of finding out what works for you.
作一個有效和快樂的人並不難,只是你必須知道如何管理自己的情緒。 每當你感覺不爽,就藉助於緩解焦慮的習慣或活動,或暫時忘卻那些煩心事。 有很多方法能幫助你改善自己的情緒和減壓。 只是你要找出哪些適合自己。
The tides advance; the tidesrecede. Winter goes and summer comes. summer wanes and the cold increases. The sun rises;the sun sets. The moon is full; the moon is black. The birds arrive; the birds depart. Flowersbloom; flowers fade. Seeds are sown; harvests are reaped. all nature is a circle of moods and Iam a part of nature and so, like the tides, my moods will rise; my moods will fall.
Today I will be master of my emotions.
It is one of nature's tricks, little understood, that each day I awaken with moods that havechanged from yesterday. Yesterday's joy wilI become today's sadness; yet today's sadness willgrow into tomorrow's joy. Inside me is a wheel, constantly turning from sadness to joy, fromexultation to depression, from happiness to melancholy. Like the flowers, today's full bloomof joy will fade and wither into despondency, yet I will remember that as today's dead flowercarries the seed of tomorrow's bloom so, too, does today's sadness carry the seed oftomorrow's joy.
Today I will be master of my emotions.
And how will I master these emotions so that each day will be proctive? For unless my moodis right the day will be a failure. Trees and plants depend on the weather to flourish but I makemy own weather, yea I transport it with me. If I bring rain and gloom and darkness andpessimism to my customers then they will react with rain and gloom and darkness andpessimism and they will purchase naught. If I bring joy and enthusiasm and brightness andlaughter to my customers they will react with joy and enthusiasm and brightness and laughterand my weather will proce a harvest of sales and a granary of gold for me.
Today I will be master of my emotions.
And how will I master my emotions so that every day is a happy day, and a proctive one? Iwill learn this secret of the ages: Weak is he who permits his thoughts to control his actions;strong is he who forces his actions to control his thoughts. Each day, when I awaken, I willfollow this plan of battle before I am captured by the forces of sadness, self-pity and failure.
If I feel depressed I will sing. If I feel sad I will laugh. If I feel ill I will double my labor. If I feelfear I will plunge ahead. If I feel inferior I will wear new garments. If I feel uncertain I will raisemy voice. If I feel poverty I will think of wealth to come. If I feel incompetent I will rememberpast success. If I feel insignificant I will remember my goals. Today I will be master of myemotions.
沮喪時,我引吭高歌。 悲傷時,我開懷大笑。 病痛時,我加倍工作。 恐懼時,我勇往直前。 自卑時,我換上新裝。 不安時,我提高嗓聲。 窮困潦倒時,我想像未來的富有。 力不從心時,我回想過去的成功。 自輕自賤時,我想想自己的目標。 總之,今天我要學會控制自己的情緒。
Henceforth, I will know that only those with inferior ability can always be at their best, and I amnot inferior. There will be days When I must IN THE WORLD constantly struggle againstforces which would tear me down. Those such as despair and sadness are simple torecognize but there are others which approach with a smile and the hand of friendship andthey can also destroy me. Against them, too, I must never relinquish control.
從今往後,我明白了,只有低能者才會江郎才盡,我並非低能者,我必須不斷對抗那限些企圖摧垮我的力量。失望與悲傷一眼就會被識破,而 其它 許多敵人是不易覺察的。它們往往面帶微笑,卻隨時可能將我們摧垮。對它們,我們永遠不能放鬆警惕。
If I become overconfident I will recall my failures. If I overinlge I will think of past hungers. If Ifeel complacency I will remember my competition. If I enjoy moments of greatness I willremember moments of shame. If I feel all-powerful I will try to stop the wind. If I attain greatwealth I will remember one unfed mouth. If l become overly proud I will remember a moment ofweakness. If I feel my skill is unmatched I will look at the stars. Today I will be master of myemotions.
自高自大時,我要追尋失敗的記憶。 縱情得意時,我要記得挨餓的日子。 洋洋得意時,我要想想競爭的對手。 沾沾自喜時,不要忘了那忍辱的時刻。 自以為是時,看看自己能否讓步駐步。 腰纏萬貫時,想想那些食不果腹的人。 驕傲自滿時,要想到自己怯懦的時候。 不可一世時,讓我抬頭,仰望群星。 今天我學會控制情緒。
And with this new knowledge I will also understand and recognize the moods of him on whomI call. I will make allowances for his anger and irritation of today for he knows not the secret ofcontrolling his mind. I can withstand his arrows and insults for now I know that tomorrow hewill change and be a joy to approach.
No longer will I judge a man on one meeting; no longer will I fail to call again tomorrow on hewho meets me with hate today. This day he will not buy gold chariots for a penny, yettomorrow he would exchange his home for a tree. My knowledge of this secret will be my keyto great wealth.
Today l will be master of my emotions.
Henceforth I will recognize and identify the mystery of moods in all mankind, and in me. Fromthis moment I am prepared to control whatever personality awakes in me each day. I willmaster my moods through positive action and when I master my moods I will control mydestiny.
Today I control my destiny, and my destiny is to become the greatest salesman in the world!
I will become master of myself. I will become great.
我成為自己的主人。 我由此而變得偉大。
1. recede v. 退, 後退 2. exultation n. 狂喜 3. pessimism n.悲觀, 悲觀主義 4. self-pity n. 自憐 5.relinquish v. 放棄; 棄絕 6. irritation n. 激怒, 生氣 7. personality n. 個性
B. 急求一篇英語作文 題目《How to Overcome Test Anxiety》急急急!!!急
How to overcome test anxiety?Every student will face many many tests in his study experience,and maybe everyone feel anxiety before test,so How to overcome test anxiety?
I will introce several ways to control about myself as below:First of all,well-prepared the test is neccessary for anyone,and it is also the most important process,I must know the content about the test everytime,and then learn what must learn,recite what must recite,in short,so long as we master aboundant information and knowlege about the test,I believe I can.
Second,usually I will take a deep breath when I feel anxiety,it is a effective way to alleviate anxiety,I think it is suitable for anyone.
The third is to let me try to have positive thoughts.for example,telling myself that the test is just a quiz or small thing in my life,don't be so serious,failing or succeeding won't affect my life,the sun will rise as normal.
The last,once the test begins,I must concentrate on it and do my best to solve them,I think my aboundant knowledge accumulation as well as my serious and positive atitude,I must gain a good result.Above all is my experience about overcoming test anxiety,I hope they will help you win a great success.thanks!
C. 如何處理焦慮英語作文,80詞左右
Effects of students' writing enhancement factor is many sided,psychological factors such as " anxiety " is one of important aspect.A lot of English writing of weak students in teacher and exchange is showing " afraid of writing,tired of writing " emotions,some students said:" see the English composition." Some students said:" I will write sentences somehow in the writing of a hurry on to write out." The author thinks that these students on English writing.This " anxiety " will hinder them to improve English writing ability.Psychology thinks:anxiety is the biggest obstacle in language learning.
D. 為朋友解決考試焦慮的建議英語作文帶翻譯
學科的學習,報名個Tutor ABC,建議報名這個學校,姚明英語很好,所以,這學校不會差,我考察過。讓老師給你制定一個學習計劃,就練口語。不要書面。每天和他聊天一個小時。聊話題英語,每天制定一個英語話題,然後,圍繞話題去聊天,像小孩子學說話一樣的,跟著老師念單詞,然後,在課堂上面,當場記憶。不會的,反復讀,反復記。
The whole method of learning:
Arrange the time reasonably every day. Make a list of things that must be done every day, not much, and plan the timetable reasonably.
English learning methods:
Study, application Tutor ABC, suggested that the school enrollment, Yao Ming is good at English, so, this school is not bad, I visit. Let the teacher make a study plan for you and practice your oral English. Don't write. Talk to him for an hour every day. Talk about topic English, make an English topic everyday, then chat around the topic, like children learning to speak, read words with the teacher, and then remember it on the classroom. No, read and remember repeatedly.
Language learning methods:
Often back some phrases, and the meaning of the word. Then, reader magazines often look at them. Yes, often out of the title, writing a composition.
The learning methods of history, geography and Politics:
For example, Marx thought. It is remembered as the master of the horse. Then, all the words are written in abbreviations, and they are silent in their heart every day. For example: in the use of the toilet, the brain, a few times. Then, in the subway, a few times in his mind. Do not study for several hours every day and study in time. Use the best time of your day to learn. You don't have to read a book at other times.
When you study, try to find some learning partners, such as the school's like-minded learning partners, and study together. Or, you can study in a cafe alone. There is an atmosphere that is easy to learn. In fact, learning, basically no one can help, in addition to the foot play class of learning, the need for another person. Advice, multi - point school students, excellent, when friends. Study together, have an atmosphere, easy to learn. In a word, a lot of friends, it must be true. However, do not abuse. Come on.
E. 英語作文 如何緩解考試焦慮情緒
1. 用英語簡單句羅列要點
a) Some of us always worry ourselves with the questions in exam.
b) b) It will do harm to our test scores and health
c) We should do well by the exam.(或者 look on the exam correctly)
d) We ought to make a suitable study plan.
e) It is important to have a well mental state, do some moderate sports and listen to the music.
f) It is necessary that we have a full sleep and a even diet.
2. 用過度詞語和關聯手段把要點梳理成文
Some of us always worry ourselves with the questions in exam. IIt will do harm to our test scores and health. (How should we do?) (Firstly, I think) we should do well by the exam. We ought to make a suitable study plan. (Besides ,) it is essential to have a well mental state, do some moderate sports and listen to the music. (The most important,) it is necessary that we have a full sleep and an even diet.
3. 用較復雜的語言手段進行潤色
Some of us always worry ourselves with the questions (when we sit in the examination room). IIt will do harm to our test scores and health. (Why such a feeling is always apt to come into being) and how should we do? Firstly, I think we should do well by the exam (by means of) making a study plan, (for a suitable one will give us self-confidence). Besides, it is essentialt, (I believe,) to have a well mental state (at ordinary time), do some moderate sports everyday and listen to the music (when we are free), (which will make us keep in high spirits). The most important, it is necessary, (of course,) that we have a full sleep and an even diet. (If we can live up to all the above, we are sure that the all unwanted nerves are to be overcomed).
F. 如何克服英語學習中的焦慮
G. 如何應對考試焦慮為主題寫一篇英語作文
I know the final term exexamination is coming soon and I heared you were very nervous.I really worried about you so I would like to give you some suggestions toward the exam.
First do not be too nervous because worries and complains could not help you.
Second you should work hard before.
Third pay more attention to your methods
Forth when you meet a question you could ask your classmates or teacher for help.
And at last wish you good luck
H. 怎樣克服做英語閱讀理解的緊張心理
做閱讀理解,我覺得先看一遍文章在做比較好,看懂了就不要怕了,平時做要練速度,believe yourself!
臨近高考和考試過程中,考生難免出現焦慮緊張的心理。為了發揮出應有的水平,應該注意克服焦慮心理。 一、考前復習過程中 臨近考試,心理緊張,許多學生感覺學習發展到「欲速不達」的情況,這就是學習 上的「高原現象」。出現「高原現象」之後,成績提高不能再靠簡單的機械性學習,而是需要沉著應對,克服焦慮心態,促成對問題的頓悟。 1、復習的任務是培養思維方法,不是知識的機械重復。 中學階段的知識淀積,對多數學生迎考來說已經是足夠的了。而現在高考的命題又不是講究知識覆蓋面,試題的取材也多是課本之外的現實問題,這更要求考生靈活地應對。因此,考前不要在知識機械記憶上下工夫,重點應該放在鍛煉思維能力上。 2、考前要注意調節情緒。 考試前要保持坦然的心態,正確對待各種考試。積極進取,但不要刻意追求。主動配合老師完成教學計劃,不要我行我素,與老師對立。要有一顆「平常心、平靜心」來對待復習應考。做到了行動上的「不急」,心理才能「不躁」。情緒穩定了,學習效率才會高。同學之間不要大事、小事斤斤計較,免得影響學習心境。 3、經常進行積極的「自我暗示」。 進行自我暗示,能夠將消極的影響變成積極的作用。如在緊張情緒到來時,提醒自己:「我一定行,沒有必要緊張。」如果失眠了,就告訴自己:「失眠是不想睡,等困了就睡著了。」遇到不會的問題,告訴自己:「相信我一定能做出,如果我不會別人也不會。」……再如:我今天精神特別好,學習效率一定高;這幾天胃口好,身體一定不會有問題……通過暗示,減輕心理壓力,消除緊張的情緒,達到鼓舞鬥志的目的。 4、往最好處做,不要計較最後結果。 抓住復習應考的機會,盡自己的最大努力,對考試結果不要過早思考、過分顧慮。在考試前不要談論考試結果的問題,也不要給自己下達「硬性指標」。要因人而異地安排復習時間,不要打疲勞戰術,充足的睡眠、健康的身體、清醒的頭腦是高效率學習的保證。 二、考試過程中 為了避免考試過程中出現緊張、慌亂的心態,考生應該注意以下幾點: 1、提前熟悉考場,消除陌生感。 在考試前一天,到考點看看自己考場的位置,熟悉一下環境,免得考試時因環境陌生而緊張。同時,在看考場時也要注意一下洗手間位置、上下樓梯的位置等。免得有問題時,因環境生疏而手忙腳亂。 2、進入考場前,不要慌亂。 適時提前行動,不要匆忙趕路。每年都有這樣的考生,因趕路受傷的、忘記帶文具和准考證的。在到考場前,把所用物品找全,慢慢進入考場,不要再大聲討論問題,免得進入考場後不能快速平靜。 3、進入考場到正式考試前。 進入考場,要盡快安靜,不要交談,如果心情緊張,可以做幾次深呼吸。擺放好自己的文具和准考證,等待老師發卷。當試題發下來後,可能離考試還有幾分鍾時間,這時雖然不能用筆答題,但你可以瀏覽試卷,檢查試卷是否有破損、印刷不清等問題。 4、答卷過程中,注意減少失誤丟分。 答卷過程中注意幾個問題:⑴要明白速度、正確率、規范的答卷是得高分的保證。為提高塗答題卡的速度,考前可把鉛筆磨成扁平頭;解題答題要提高速度,但不能影響正確率。遇到難題要先放棄,最後再攻關。書寫要認真,規范,不要潦草等等。⑵答題過程中,要注意冷靜分析,當遇到熟悉的問題時要看與自己所見題目有無變化,防止照搬答案不得分;當遇到難題時,要思考與之相關的基礎知識,從中找出問題的突破口。⑶交卷前的檢查修改,要尊重第一印象,拿不準的不要隨便改動,免得改錯了答案。⑷准備好手絹,免得出汗濕了答題卡和試卷。⑸注意塗卡的順序,避免漏塗或多塗引起大量失分。 總之,答卷過程中要記住: 高分得到需技巧,速度規范不可少。遇到熟題看變化,避免生搬和硬套。 碰到難題不要慌,答案要從基礎找。不求題題都去做,舍卒保車很重要。 不求題題都做上,爭取做的得滿分。檢查修改很慎重,答案改錯最糟糕。 三、每科考試結束後 為穩定考試情緒,避免產生慌亂心理,每科考試結束後,也應該注意以下問題: 1、收拾好自己的物品,迅速離開考場。 收拾好自己的物品,特別是准考證不能丟失,避免下一場用時找不到。離開考場後,盡早休息確保下一場考試精力旺盛。 2、交卷後,同學不要對答案。 交卷後,知道與不知道結果已經是不重要了。同學之間不要對答案,免得知道了自己的錯題,影響下一科的考試情緒。 3、考試期間學習、活動和休息的作息時間不要改變,避免打亂已經形成的生物鍾。