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❶ 野外夏天中暑後如何急救

在炎熱的夏季在野外也會發生中署現象,當中暑後,會出現臉色蒼白,出虛冷汗、口渴、頭暈、惡心、疲乏、四肢無力,蒼呼吸急等症狀,當發生這些症狀時就應做及時的急救。 方法/步驟
用手指點壓按摩患者印堂穴,人中穴,合谷穴, 血海穴、湧泉穴,耳尖放血等。等稍緩後給患者補充水分。


❷ 寫一篇介紹中暑以及如何對待中暑患者進行急救的英語短文

Heat stroke is to point to in high temperature and thermal radiation long time function, the body temperature adjustment disorder, water and electrolyte metabolism disorders and nervous system function damage the floorboard of symptoms.
Happened heatstroke, to a rest in the shade, undo the clothes, strengthen ventilated, drink weak brine. Conditional, still can use wet towel to wipe the body bare site, and timely supplement moisture, a few moment of rest in can recover. If faint, can be patient in a cool place prostrate, and device of hole, then can come back to life.


❸ 描寫中暑及其急救方法的英語作文

How to do first-aid treatment of heat stroke?
(1) harbinger of mild heat stroke in summer, they should immediately withdraw high-temperature environments ventilated shade to rest;
(2) drinking salt water and light soft drinks, such as frozen soft drinks, bean soup can also be taken orally Dan, Shi Dishui;
(3) of early circulatory failure, could ask the doctor injection of glucose saline;
(4) to severe heat stroke should prompt to carry out physical cooling (using well water, tap water, alcohol sponge bath), and immediately sent to hospital.



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