導航:首頁 > 安裝方法 > 用兩種方法翻譯書店在哪裡


發布時間:2022-01-20 05:35:23

『壹』 用兩種方法翻譯

1.we all think miss wu in purple is nice
2.we all think miss wu wear a purple clothes is nice

『貳』 用七句不同的英語翻譯 請問去書店怎麼

1. how to get to the book store? 2. where is the book store?3. where can I find the book store?
4. what is the location of book store?七個句子已經想好,但你給的字數限制不夠我寫...

『叄』 怎麼翻譯(兩種翻譯的方法的哦)

Make sure you turn off all the lights when you leave.(主動)
Make sure that all the lights are turned off when you leave. (被動)

『肆』 請用至少五個句子翻譯 請問,書店在哪裡

1, May i know where the bookstore is?
2,Could you tell me where the bookstore is?
3,Can you tell me where the bookstore is?
4,Can I know where the bookstore is?
5,May I know how I can go to the bookstore?
6,Could you tell me how I can go to the bookstore?
7,Could/can you tell me how I can make my way to the bookstore?
8,May I know how I can make my way to the bookstore?

『伍』 小學英語翻譯用兩種方法是什麼意思


『陸』 城市書店在哪裡英語(兩種)

1、where is the City Bookstore?
2、what's the location of the City Bookstore?

『柒』 翻譯一下

He boated across a brook in a windy morning .

He was too short-sighted to saw the wall that he walked to .

The ship which departed from port was out of sight in the Pacific after a while .

She shouted for help after she got her head hit against the table .

The man who is in driving is our boss .
Our boss is the man who is in driving .

It is such a funny book which he bought from a bookstore yestoday .
The book which he bought from a bookstore yestoday is very funny .


『捌』 英語翻譯(用2種方法翻譯)

1. It takes half an hour for him to go to school everyday.
He spends half an hour to go to school everyday.
2. It takes about one hour for her to cook.
She spends about one hour to cook.
3. It takes one and half hour for us to do eye exexcises everyday.
We spend one and half hour to do eye excercises everyday.

『玖』 用兩種不同的方法來翻譯下列時間。

1. 8:00 am or 8:00 o'clock in the morning.
2. 3:00 pm or 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon.
3. 12:00 o'clock or at noon.
4. 12:00 am or 24:00 o'clock.
5. two eight or eight past two.
6. four fifteen or a quarter past four.
7. nine forty or twenty to ten.
8. ten forty-five or a quarter to eleven.

『拾』 圖書館在哪裡用七種方法翻譯

Where is the library?
Do you know the way to the library?
Is any library nearby?
Could you tell me how to go to the library?
How to get to the library please?



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